Articles in Anchorage
“Inlaws & Outlaws”: Love is neither straight or gay — it’s human

There was lots of laughter in Room 101 of UAA’s Rasmuson Hall: the laughter of recognition as we shared in the joy of people whose stories of love we heard at the March 18 screening of “Inlaws & Outlaws.”
Carrie Newcomer: An ally Before and After

Folksinger and straight ally Carrie Newcomer performs three concerts in Alaska this week, March 24–27, 2011, for her Before and After tour: Seldovia on Thursday, Anchorage on Saturday, and Palmer on Sunday. She was in Sitka last week.
“Inlaws & Outlaws” with filmmaker Drew Emery at UAA this Friday

“Inlaws & Outlaws” by Seattle filmmaker Drew Emery is showing at UAA this Friday at 7:00 PM. “Inlaws & Outlaws” weaves together the true stories of couples and singles — both gay and straight — into a collective narrative that is as hilarious as it is heartbreaking, ” getting past all the rhetoric to embrace what we have in common: We love.
Are you LGBT? Have you lived, worked, spent time in Anchorage? We need your help.

“My review shows that there is clearly a lack of quantifiable evidence necessitating this ordinance.” That’s what Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan stated on August 17, 2009 when he vetoed Anchorage Ordinance 2009-64, the Anchorage equal rights ordinance, which had been passed the previous week by a vote of 7 to 4 by the Anchorage Assembly. If you are an LGBT person who lives, works, or spends time in Anchorage — or if you’ve lived/worked/spent time in Anchorage in the past — please complete the Anchorage LGBT Discrimination Survey.
Homosexuality isn’t so immoral after all!

by Heather Aronno | Originally posted on The Alaska Commons
For those who were not able to attend the “Is Homosexuality Immoral?” lecture by Dr. John Corvino, you missed a good time. Hosted by UAA Student Life & Leadership’s Student Activities department, the lecture consisted of a break down of the standard arguments against homosexuality: the Bible says it’s wrong, it’s unnatural, it’s gross, etc… It was also incredibly entertaining. Corvino has a talent for keeping the pace quick and light, addressing the main arguments up front so that he can get to his favorite part, the audience questions.
Let’s backtrack a little to before the lecture. After my post on Monday (which Bent Alaska and Progressive Alaska were kind enough to re-post), I had a fun time bringing up the topic in my classes. The general reaction from students was that they 1) thought that the speaker was a conservative bigot until I straightened them out, 2) had no problem with LGBT people and didn’t see what the big deal was about, or 3) got a miffed look on their face when I brought the topic up at all. It was especially interesting, as this also marked the week that the UA Board of Regents was finally going to consider adding “sexual orientation” to UA’s non-discrimination policy. Many students didn’t know that LGBT students and faculty weren’t already protected by the policy. I felt informative, but in a depressing kind of way.
Fast forward back to Thursday night. John and I were approached by a few students outside of the Wendy Williamson Auditorium. They were handing out those little chick tracts comics. You know the ones. The hero of the story dabbles in the occult and ends up in Hell. Or the hero tries marijuana and ends up in Hell. Or the hero considers evolution and…well, you get the picture. I politely declined, and put the one that John took into the recycling bin.
[Fun Fact: Putting those little comics into Wiccan-themed books at the bookstore is not viewed as helpful. It makes the customers who buy the Wiccan books very angry, and they take it out on the store employees. Then the employees think hateful thoughts about the people who put the comics into the Wiccan books in the first place.]
But after that little moment, there was nothing but positivity leading up to, during, and after the lecture. Even the Bible Study group that attended was polite and, for the most part, asked good questions.
Afterward, I was able to speak to a few students about their impressions of the lecture:
“I thought it was really good. I’ve got to say going into it, I knew nothing more than the question on the billboard, so I had no idea about the speaker himself. I didn’t know he was a philosophy professor. And I thought… I love logic so the way that he phrased his arguments was done really well and made a lot of sense. I don’t know, it’s one of those things, I don’t think I personally learned anything new, because it just reaffirmed my beliefs already. It just felt good to have that logic behind it all.” Joe – English Major
“I really enjoyed the lecture, just because Dr. Corvino was able to break down every argument against homosexuality. It put it in perspective.” Rosalyn – Russian Language and International Studies Majors
“I thought Dr. John Corvino was very thorough in his explanation of why homosexuality is not immoral. My feelings on the issue are that it is a completely normal sexual behavior. As an evangelical Christian, I do not find anything within the Bible that tells me that it is immoral. In fact, I find that in the scripture of Jesus, and especially as Christians, we need to support equality for all human beings. So what he said fit into my religious faith.” Ceezar – Political Science Major
“It was very good. I’m not a religious man. I’m a very devout atheist. [chuckle] My personal thought is that he made very compelling arguments and I’ve been on board with him through this whole thing, so it’s not like I had any lingering discomforts or anything. He was very articulate. He wasn’t very pathos-based, which was good. He kept things very simple and understandable, and made it so he could reach out to every [person in the] audience without sounding judgmental, which is good in our modern culture. I personally enjoyed this and was glad I attended.” Lucien – UAA Student
As we walked out of the auditorium, I thought about the students who were huddled outside, handing comics to people. I wish that they would have allowed themselves to attend the lecture, because I think they would have gained something from it. Even if it was just taking a moment to see things from another person’s perspective. I’m sure that they believed strongly that they were doing the right thing, but they just plain missed the point.
Lucien, one of the students quoted above, is actually a blogger as well. And so I’ll end my post with a quote from his review, but I recommend you following this link over to his blog and reading the rest of his post.
Corvino did make a point early on that the fact that people believe that this debate is over is kind of unsettling. He said that we are at a very odd place in the war for equality for the LGBT community. There is a consensus growing among the general public that the war is over. But the sad truth is that the war is still very much alive and is not getting the attention that is used to. Corvino said that there is a difference in the public’s perception of the war because the bulk of it hasn’t been really taught to kids all that much. This came up during the discussion. While we are taught all about the leaders of the African-American movement for equality, leader of the LGBT community’s battle for equality have gone mostly unnoticed in history classes. People like Harvey Milk aren’t taught about in classes.
Thanks to those that helped get Dr. Corvino up here. Thanks to Dr. Corvino for coming to UAA and helping us find better ways to articulate our viewpoint. And thanks to the UA Board of Regents who voted to change the non-discrimination policy to include sexual orientation! (Read more over at Bent Alaska.)
Other reactions to Dr. John Corvino’s “Is Homosexuality Moral?” lecture
- 17 Feb 2011. “The Morality of Homosexuality: A Lecture with John Corvino” by Lucien Maverick (Lucien Maverick’s Blog).
- 18 Feb 2011. “‘Is Homosexuality Moral?’ Recap”by Matt Caprioli (The Northern Light).
About John Corvino
Dr. John Corvino, a.k.a. “The Gay Moralist,” lectured on the topic “Is Homosexuality Immoral?” at the Wendy Williamson Auditorium, University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), on Thursday, 17 Feb 2011. His visit coincided with the decision by the University of Alaska Board of Regents to add “sexual orientation” to the nondiscrimination policy for the statewide University of Alaska system.
Dr. Corvino is a writer, speaker, and philosophy professor. For over 15 years he has been traveling the country speaking on gay rights. Combining philosophy, sensitivity, and humor he has challenged all sides of the debate about homosexuality and morality. Dr. Corvino’s writings, videos from his presentations, and a full DVD of his lecture “What’s Morally Wrong With Homosexuality?” are available on his website.
Photos by Melissa S. (Mel) Green
University of Alaska Regents vote 8–2 to add sexual orientation to UA nondiscrimination policy

By a vote of 8 to 2, the University of Alaska Regents this morning added sexual orientation to the UA Regents’ Policies on nondiscrimination. Students, faculty, and staff of the statewide public university system have been asking for years for such a policy change, led in particular by students at the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus.
UA Regents to consider adding “sexual orientation” to non-discrimination policy

A proposed revision to University of Alaska’s non-discrimination policy to include “sexual orientation” is among a number of items to be considered during the Board of Regents two-day meeting at Lee Gorsuch Commons on the University of Alaska Anchorage campus this Thursday and Friday.
Is Homosexuality Immoral?

Editor’s note: We’re pleased to welcome Heather and John Aronno of the Alaska Commons as contributors to Bent Alaska. From the summer of 2009, when Heather and John regularly blogged about the Anchorage equal rights ordinance, to the present, they have been two of our best friends and allies in the Alaska LGBTA blogosphere. Please make them welcome!
Is Homosexuality Immoral?
by Heather Aronno | published originally at the Alaska Commons
There’s a lecture title worthy of a few head turns. When I first saw the poster, I felt a little, nauseous pit form in my stomach. I thought, “is UAA actually bringing in an anti-gay speaker?” Fortunately, I paused long enough to read the description before I flew off the handle.
With a combination of humor, sensitivity, & intellectual rigor, Corvino examines the most common arguments against homosexual conduct.
Whatever your sexual orientation, moral perspective, or religious conviction, this program will invite you to rethink some of the “easy assumptions” that often characterize the debate over homosexuality.
A visit to the UAA Student Life & Leadership website provided a little more information: “Dr. John Corvino, a.k.a. “The Gay Moralist,” is a writer, speaker, and philosophy professor. For over 15 years he has been traveling the country speaking on gay rights. Combining philosophy, sensitivity, and humor he has challenged all sides of the debate about homosexuality and morality.”
During my first year at UAA, I was pleased to learn that many departments and student organizations coordinate a series of events every February called “Healthy Sexuality Week.” And being that Alaska now rates ninth in the country for its rates of gonorrhea, it’s probably a good idea to focus on healthy sexuality. As part of the events for every year that I’ve attended there has been a notable speaker, come to help make up for our lack of comprehensive sex education. For the past two years, columnist and personal hero Dan Savage has been our guest of honor. (Some of you may remember when the Anchorage Press carried Dan’s Savage Love column. Do you miss it? Send the Anchorage Press an email and let ‘em know.)
This year, Dan gets a break and Dr. John Corvino will be taking the stage. I asked a few UAA students for their opinions on the lecture and its subject matter:
“Homosexuality isn’t really immoral or a threat to marriage. Divorce is probably a bigger threat to marriage than homosexuality.” Eric – Business Management Major
“I have no problem with it. I have friends that are gay. I might potentially take part in [the lecture], depending on what they end up talking about. I don’t mind that kind of discussion. That actually sounds pretty interesting.” Mike – Psychology and German Major
“To me, it doesn’t matter because I see them just as another human being, who has a different opinion than my opinion. It doesn’t affect me at all.” Simon – Undergraduate
“I’m not really biased. It’s a good topic to get people talking about it, because most people are shy in this day and age. It’s not that they don’t have an opinion, they’re just scared to voice it. At least he’s opening up the question for discussion. If I don’t have class at the same time, I might attend.” George – Management Information Systems Major
“I don’t have a problem with homosexuality. I have family members who are [gay]. I have friends who are. It doesn’t bother me at all.” Tim – Electrical Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering, and Mathematics Major
“He looks pretty cute. Too bad he’s gay.” Heidi – International Studies Major
Now, that’s just a small sample of UAA students who happened to be in the Student Union when I was asking questions. I didn’t have anyone who spoke against homosexuality that I chose not to include; all of the students I spoke to indicated they had no issue with people being gay. (Except for Heidi. Ah well, she’s not the only girl stuck pining after an attractive gay man. I’ve had a crush on Neal Patrick Harris for years.) But for every student who is comfortable talking about their gay friends, family members, selves, there are other students who may very well benefit from hearing a different perspective on the morality/immorality of homosexuality. I encourage them to attend.
I’m looking forward to Dr. Corvino’s lecture. I hope some of you will be able to join me.
* * *
“Is Homosexuality Immoral?” with Dr. John Corvino
Presented by UAA Student Activities. American Sign Language interpretation will be provided for this lecture.
- Date & time: Thursday, February 17, 7:30-9:30 PM; doors open at 6:30 PM
- Location: UAA Wendy Williamson Auditorium
- Cost of admission: This event is free to everyone.
- Info: Dr. John Corvino, a.k.a. “The Gay Moralist,” is a writer, speaker, and philosophy professor. For over 15 years he has been traveling the country speaking on gay rights. Combining philosophy, sensitivity, and humor he has challenged all sides of the debate about homosexuality and morality. Dr. Corvino holds a Ph.D in philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin and is currently Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Wayne State. He has written over 100 articles and opinion pieces, wich have appeared in regional and nationally at the online Independent Gay Forum and in numerous academic journals and anthologies.
- Further information: UAA Student Activities, or this event’s Facebook page
Chuck O’Connell 1942–2011

The Anchorage LGBT community joins other friends and family members in mourning the loss of our friend and ally Chuck O’Connell, who died unexpectedly early last Thursday morning.
Valentine’s weekend in Anchorage: Sunday brunch benefits Out North & ICOAA

Out North recently lost a major funding grant, and needs your help to continue fulfilling its mission of Art for Everyone, No Exceptions.
One way to help is by enjoying a splendid Valentine’s weekend afternoon this Sunday at Mad Myrna’s! This event benefits both Out North & the Imperial Court of All Alaska.
Joani LaChoy’ Sweetheart’s Champagne and Cabaret Brunch
Please join Joani LaChoy as she presents her annual Sweetheart’s Champagne and Cabaret Brunch.
- Benefit for Out North Contemporary Art House and The Imperial Court of All Alaska.
- Date/time: Sunday, February 13 at 2 PM.
- Location: Mad Myrna’s, 530 E. 5th Ave, Anchorage, AK (see map)
- Cost of admission: $35.00
- Info: Live and Silent auction, fantastic entertainment, and of course – a gourmet champagne brunch!
- Further information: See Facebook event page.
Please help support Out North – attend shows, buy season tickets, or donate directly.
Keep track of upcoming events with Bent Alaska’s LGBT Events Calendar.