Articles in Anchorage
My first Anchorage Pride, 1983 — and (some of) Identity’s early history

As Pride Week approaches, we thought we’d revisit a few of the Pride Weeks of Anchorage’s past. Last week, Alaska Pride gave us a flashback to 1978. Now we’ll jump forward in time a few years: to 1983, my first Pride in Anchorage, just short of a year after I first arrived in Alaska.
This weekend in LGBTQ Alaska (6/9/11): Three Veils, Loud & PROUD, Irina Rivkin, Fairview, & more

“Three Veils” and Loud and PROUD at Out North, the annual Alaska Women’s Run for breast cancer, a block party in Fairview, hypnotic hilarity at Mad Myrna’s, and live-looping harmony in Fairbanks with singer/songwriter Irina Rivkin. Those events and more, plus a preview of what’s coming up next week.
Jay Her’s Comedy Hypnosis Show this Saturday at Mad Myrna’s

Come start your summer fling at Jay Her’s Comedy Hypnosis Show at Mad Myrna’s!
Another crazy night of hypnotic havoc is before you! If you’ve been to a few before then you know what can happen at these shows. If you haven’t come find out why these shows have the reputation they do.
- Find out how orgies can be Boring.
- Why people pick their noses.
- Why little things can cause so much excitement!
- How some people get Great Cellphone Reception.
- And many other silly little things we humans are capable of…
Each show is entirely dependent on You and Your Friend’s involvement in making it come alive. And the potentials of these shows are anywhere from “Oh, it’s funny…” to “I can’t believe he just made love to the leg of that chair!”
Come and bring your friends to make this show another hilariously jam-packed Show!
- Date/time: Saturday, June 11, 9:00 PM to midnight
- Location: Mad Myrna’s, 530 E. 5th Ave. in downtown Anchorage (see map)
- Cost of admission: $10.00 cover (get your pre-sale tickets starting in May)
- Further info: See the Facebook event page or Eventbrite event page
Homophobia won’t dim the spirit of “The Sound of Fairview” Block Party 2011

Anchorage’s Fairview Community Council is sponsoring a neighborhood block party this Saturday, and even the sudden pullout of one of scheduled bands — because its drummer can’t abide “flaming faggots” — will not dim Fairview’s spirits.
This Friday: Loud and PROUD all-ages dance at Out North

Out North and ADK kick of Pride Month with an all-ages dance featuring performances by Powertrain Control Module, DJ DaMmBro, and special guests. A night of exceptional music, with a crowd of extraordinary people!
A “Three Veils” weekend at Out North with filmmaker Rolla Selbak and actress Sheetal Sheth

Out North is hosting a special one-night screening of the film Three Veils this coming Saturday, along with two other events with filmmaker Rolla Selbak and actress Sheetal Sheth.
Bent News, 6/2/11: a new White House LGBT site as we learn of a new DADT discharge

KTVA talks with ICOAA, Anchorage’s “rural” Pride events, a White House website on LGBT issues, a DADT discharge, antigay pastor Lou Engle visits Wasilla, and more in this edition of Bent News.
Thanking those who in the past Stepped Up and Stepped Out with Pride

A message from Alaska Pride | originally posted at the Alaska Pride blog
Flashback to July 1978
In this day and age, it isn’t too rare to see Gay Pride marches across the United States and all around the world. In fact, its pretty much expected. Presidents of our nation even declare a month out of the year as Gay Pride Month (when we really should celebrate Pride all year round!).
GLBT folk and our allies get to march in these parades, unhindered and proudly.
That wasn’t always the case…
Lets flashback to Anchorage in July of 1978. This was the reality of that day and age:
Just imagine being someone in this march. These brave marchers had to wear paper bags over their heads for fear of harassment, abuse, and most of all — losing their jobs. Life was already hard enough being GLBT in Alaska in the 1970′s. But to march and show your Pride was even harder.
This Pride, we honor those who took the first steps to ensure that we as a community can march proudly in the streets, open, no brown paper bags over our heads, no disguise. Because of these individuals who Stepped Up and Stepped Out decades ago, we have the luxury to be able to continue Stepping Up and Stepping Out.
So what have you done to make sure that pictures like these become a thing of the past, something that years from now, we will look back and wonder at the incredulity and ignorance of those people?
This year, this Pride, we ask that you Step Up, Step Out, take that paper bag of your head and march proudly with us on June 25. For even today, it is punishable by death to be GLBT in several nations across the world. Today, Pride marches are banned in several nations, like the Pride march banned in Moscow in which marchers were brutalized and arrested (Read more here.)
That will only end when individuals like you end it.
But please, remember that you are walking in the footsteps of giants like Doug Frank, our Grand Marshall for this years Pride. (Read his bio here.) So tread softly, but tread on nonetheless!
This weekend in LGBTQ Alaska (6/2/11): An ordination, a USO show, male strippers, and IAA First Friday

The ordination of an Anchorage religious leader, a USO-themed fundraiser for Alaska Pride, the visit of a male-stripper review from NYC, and IAA’s First Friday show in Fairbanks dominate this weekend in LGBTQ Alaska. Those events and more, plus a preview of what’s coming up next week.
Celebrating the ordination of Sara Gavit, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

The Right Reverend Mark Lattime, Episcopal Bishop of Alaska, will ordain Sara Gavit to the Sacred Order of Deacons at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Anchorage this Saturday.