Articles in Anchorage
This weekend in LGBTQA Alaska (7/21/11): Fairbanks Pride 2011, a Toyota for 4A’s, Summer Osborne, Hedwig, & Raja

Fairbanks celebrates Pride 2011; Four A’s needs your votes to get a Toyota; Summer Osborne performs in Fairbanks and Anchorage; and RuePaul’s Drag Race winner “Raja” appears at Anchorage’s Kodiak Bar & Grill. Those events and more, plus a preview of what’s coming up next week.
Melissa Etheridge Radio Show on the air in Alaska

Melissa Etheridge has a new radio show, and an Anchorage station is one of the first in the country to pick up the full show.
KNLT Lite 105.7 in Anchorage, a light rock station, plays The Melissa Etheridge Show on weekdays from 7pm – midnight. Between songs, Melissa tells stories, answers questions from listeners, recognizes people who give to others, and chats with her cohost about the topic of the day. Email your questions to The Melissa Etheridge Show or call her at (855) 637-2346.
Listeners outside of Anchorage, Alaska can hear clips from the show online at The Melissa Etheridge Show or can hear the full show online at Lite 105.7 FM.
Melissa was asked about her new radio show in a recent interview:
Windy City Times: Tell me about this radio show that I saw on your website.
Melissa Etheridge: I am doing a radio show and I am on Bangor, Maine and Anchorage, Alaska. It is taking over the country right from the top down!
I am always looking for ways to reach out, be part of this whole entertainment world and yet not leave my home. That is the plan we are working on. I was approached about doing a radio show. I love to talk. I love to do music and like to be on the radio. So we started it. I am really enjoying it a lot. Hopefully we will get some more stations.
Windy City Times: Fans can listen to it on your website.
Melissa Etheridge: You can listen to it on the Internet at http:// .
Windy City Times: Is it a time-consuming thing for you?
Melissa Etheridge: It’s not bad. It takes me about two hours a day. It is a music and talk so a lot of music. That’s why it only takes me about two hours to record it. The radio stations put in the music that they want.
Bent Alaska has a question for Melissa:
You’re performing in Bangor, Maine on July 23. As the only other town to pick up your show, does Anchorage get a concert too? Alaska loves you! Please come play here.
In June, Melissa called Lite 105.7 and talked with Program Director Justin McDonald about the midnight sun and salmon fishing. Listen to the short clip online HERE.
Lite 105.7 also promotes an anti-bullying campaign, and local ally Colleen Crinklaw is the DJ on Saturdays and Sundays from 7pm – midnight.
Lite 105.7 plays “light rock classics and today’s favorites” and is one of several local stations run by Alaska Integrated Media (AIM), including alternative rock station The End 94.7 which was at PrideFest this year.
Photo of Melissa Etheridge by Craig O’Neal via Wikimedia Commons; used in accordance with Creative Commons license.
Lauren Potter of “Glee” in Fairbanks and Anchorage to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act

Lauren Potter of the hit Fox show Glee will be in Fairbanks tonight and in Anchorage on Thursday to help Access Alaska celebrate the 21st Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In Fairbanks, she’ll also be joined by champion musher Lance Mackey.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted by Congress in 1990, is a wide-ranging civil rights law which provides similar protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides against discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics.
We at Bent Alaska share in celebrating the 21st anniversary of this landmark civil rights legislation. Welcome to Alaska, Lauren!
Co-sponsors of Lauren’s appearances include University of Alaska Fairbanks, State of Alaska ADA Coordinator’s Office, and Fox 7 Fairbanks.
In Fairbanks —
- Date/time: Tuesday, July 19, 6:30–9:30 PM
- Location: Westmark Fairbanks Hotel & Convention Center, 813 Noble St, Fairbanks, AK (see map)
- Cost of admission: Free admission; donations appreciated
- Further info: see Facebook events page
In Anchorage —
- Date/time: Thursday, July 21, 6:30–9:30 PM
- Location: West Anchorage High School Auditorium, 1700 Hillcrest Drive, Anchorage (see map)
- Cost of admission: Free admission; donations appreciated
- Further info: see Facebook events page
Lauren Potter was joined by Glee‘s Jane Lynch to finish out a compelling PSA on the unacceptability of calling people by derogatory terms… including fag, including retard.
Watch. And then join the campaign to spread the word to end the word.
Brandi Carlile in Fairbanks and Anchorage this weekend

Brandi Carlile has two concerts in Alaska this weekend — at the Blue Loon in Fairbanks on Friday, and Saturday in Anchorage at the UAA Wendy Williamson Auditorium.
Judith Barrington, Valerie Miner, & other great writers in UAA annual reading series

Judith Barrington and Valerie Miner are among the writers participating in the Summer 2011 Northern Renaissance Arts & Sciences Reading Series from July 10–19 at UAA. This is the fourth year for the event, which is held annually in conjunction with the Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing of the UAA Department of Creative Writing & Literary Arts (CWLA).
Anthony Romero of ACLU to speak Thursday at UAA

Anthony Romero, national executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Romero will be the featured speaker for Disparate Opportunity in America: The Ongoing Struggle for Equal Rights sponsored by the UAA Justice Center and ACLU of Alaska. The program will focus on recent developments in the continuing challenges faced by minority and underprivileged communities and the work of the ACLU in fighting for equal rights.
Moving on — watching closely

The time comes when Bent Alaska must move forward bearing our sadness over James Crump’s death on June 25 and getting back to our core business of sharing information and serving as an information hub for Alaska’s LGBTA communities. But first, I’d like to share some of the information I learned about healing from grief and trauma.
A message from Identity, & talk next Wednesday on healing from trauma

A message from Identity, Inc. Board of Directors regarding the tragic accident on June 25, 2011
This one for you, James Crump

James Crump came to Alaska to find himself, and stayed in Alaska to share himself with us. His death on June 25 at Anchorage’s Pride parade was a blow not only to his family & friends, but also to our whole community. But just what is our community — and where do we go from here?
ICOAA’s 4th of July celebration — & a winning float!

The Imperial Court of All Alaska (ICOAA) float won the Judges Choice Award at the Anchorage 4th of July festival and parade. Paige, Empress 38 of Alaska, graciously accepted Bent Alaska’s invitation to post her account of the day’s festivities; photos and additional comments by Bent Alaska contributor Mel Green.