Articles by E. Ross
E. Ross is the founder of Bent Alaska.
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Tonei Glavinic Wins ACLU Youth Scholarship

by E. Ross
The American Civil Liberties Union announced the winners of its 2008 Youth Activist Scholarship contest. Fifteen high school seniors from across the country will each receive a $5,000 college scholarship in recognition of their outstanding work to protect civil liberties, especially for young people.
One of the Youth Scholars is Tonei Glavinic, a student at Steller Secondary School. The ACLU describes Tonei’s current activities:
Tonei Glavinic is an accomplished civil liberties activist in Anchorage, AK. He is the youth representative on the board of Identity, Inc., a non-profit organization that operates the Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Anchorage. Tonei is also the Board President of the United Youth Courts of Alaska (UYCA), a program that diverts misdemeanor youth offenders to a peer-based community service program instead of the traditional juvenile justice system. He is a producer with the Alaska Teen Media Institute, and leverages this position to promote LGBT rights on weekly and monthly radio shows he produces for local college and public radio stations. Tonei is also president of his high school GSA and co-chair of the National Transgender Education Project Youth Review Board. His most passionate interest is working with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) where he currently serves on their National Advisory Council.
“… I want to spend the rest of my life working for equal civil and human rights for all people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.”
Read Tonei’s inspiring winning essay and learn about the other 2008 Youth Scholars.

The SEAGLA Friday Social is moving: Friday 03/21 we will meet at the T.K. Maguire’s lounge inside the Prospector Hotel, starting at 6 PM.
Where to Find GLBT Alaska: Annual Events

Update – Please see the most recent version of this list: Where to Find GLBT Alaska – Annual Events, Revised Again
by E. Ross
Visitors, new residents and sometimes even long-time ‘sourdoughs’ want to know where they can find GLBT Alaska. This three part series provides a resource list for locating us. Part 1 lists the main annual events where GLBT Alaskans gather to celebrate our lives, our families and our communities. GLBT organizations will be Part 2’s resource list, and Part 3 will be GLBT-owned businesses.
Here are the main annual events for GLBT Alaska, in seasonal order:
- Arctic Heat (Jan.) – TLFMC comes out of hibernation to choose the next Bear and Leather titleholders.
- Celebration of Change (April) – RAW’s ‘break-up’ performance celebrates women, art, music and springtime.
- Day of Silence & Prom (April) – GLSEN’s Day of Silence and same-sex prom graduates teens in style.
- PrideFest (June) – Identity’s summer solstice Pride Parade and Festival displays our Pride downtown.
- Coronation (August) – ICOAA’s late summer extravaganza invests the new Imperial Court.
- Pride Picnic (Memorial Day) – The Picnic and BBQ at Eklutna celebrates unity and the end of summer.
- Pride Conference at UAA (October) – Identity’s back-to-school conference is inspired by National Coming Out Day.
Have I missed something? Please leave a comment and help to make a complete resource list for GLBT Alaska.
This Weekend in Juneau

From Alaska GLBT News (subscribe)
Free showings of Anyone and Everyone 3/22, 10-12 a.m. & 7-9 p.m.
Watch Anyone and Everyone before the KTOO discussion – so you’ll know what to say about it. Two free showings by PFLAG Juneau: 10-12 a.m. at the Valley Library (juice and muffins will be provided) and 7-9 p.m. in the Back Room of the Silverbow (with a no-host bar.) Watch the movie trailer: Anyone and Everyone
This Weekend In Fairbanks

From Alaska GLBT News (subscribe)
Fairbanks Spring Bonfire 3/22, 9 p.m.
LesBiGay 21+ celebration to welcome the Vernal Equinox and the full-moon with music, food and a bonfire. Bring a snack or drink to share. In the woods just outside of Fairbanks. Contact Frank for directions.
GLBT Social & Potluck 3/25, 6:30 p.m.
Come to the community social event and potluck. Bring your favorite potluck dish and we’ll experience the variety of flavors prepared by our neighbors. Please bring your own plate, bowl, cup and utensils to keep the cost down and maintain a green event. Alcohol is allowed (but will not be provided for purchase.) Ken Kunkel Community Center, out on Goldstream Road near Ivory Jack’s. Directions and information, contact Brad.
This Weekend in Anchorage

From Alaska GLBT News (subscribe)
Divas of the North Review 3/20, 8 p.m.
The Alaska Native Aurora Society will be holding a fundraiser drag performance and auction to benefit the Aurora society and honor National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. Kodiak Bar & Grill, 225 E. 5th Ave. Anchorage.
2nd National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Reception 3/20, 6-8 p.m.
This public reception features Native dancers and speakers, including Miss Alaska and Miss World Eskimo Olympics. The first ever Breaking the Silence Award will be awarded to activist and leader, Ella Outwater, for her commitment to improving the lives of Alaska Native people. Sponsored by Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium’s HIV Prevention Program. Anchorage Marriott Downtown, 820 W 7th Ave.
For Our Kids – Fundraiser for Make a Wish Foundation 3/22, Show 9 p.m.
Empress Mary Bess, Empress Chanel and ICOAA present For Our Kids – a Fundraiser for Make a Wish Foundation, Summer Camp for Kids. Auction, finger foods, show. $10. Mad Myrna’s
Adam and Steve 6th Annual Birthday Celebration 3/22, 6:30 p.m.
Join Adam and Steve’s 6th Annual Birthday celebration. The theme is Playboi Club and Casino, featuring casino style games, food and a silent auction, at the Snow Goose Restaurant. Tickets are $20 each or table of 8 for $140. All proceeds benefit Adam and Steve, the Four A’s HIV prevention program for young gay, bisexual and questioning men ages 18-29. Contact Chrissy
MCC Easter Sunday, 3/23, 2pm
We will celebrate with special performances by our choir and other musical guests, followed by a Potluck dinner. All members and friends of MCC are encouraged to attend!
Discharged Alaskan Fights DADT

by E. Ross
David Hall, UAA student and decorated Elmendorf NCO, was accepted into the Air Force ROTC and discharged a year later because of his relationship with a man he met at UAA. Channel KTVA11 recently posted his story:
5 Ways to Improve GLBT Alaska

by E. Ross
Local organizations work hard to make our lives better on the Last Frontier. Here are five ways we can work with them.
Join the Four A’s Challenge Grant
The more donations of money and food received by Four A’s between March 1 and April 30, the more money they get from the Feinstein Foundation! Chrissy will gladly accept our donations.
Volunteer As Treasurer For Alaskans Together
Strong organizational skills plus accounting/bookkeeping experience. A few hours a month, plus annual reporting. Contact Tim or Marsha.
Explain Our Needs For GLBT Home Care
The lack of GLBT home health care in Alaska: not medical needs, but the need for someone to cook meals, clean house, wash laundry, shovel snow, run errands and assist with personal hygiene. Keith is writing a grant.
Apply For The Position Of LGBT Public Policy Coordinator
ACLU of Alaska Foundation invites applications for LGBT Public Policy Coordinator. Apply by 4/1. Read the position information on IdeaList, or contact AkCLU.
Share Our Ideas on GLBT Family Law
What are the family law issues facing Alaska’s GLBT communities? What would be most helpful to include on the Alaska Court System’s new GLBT page? Send ideas to Debbie at the Family Law Self Help Center (FLSHC) of the Alaska Court System.
How else can we improve GLBT Alaska? Leave a comment about your favorite group and I’ll include it in a future post.
Welcome to Bent Alaska

Bent Alaska is the new online home for Alaska GLBT News – and so much more! Bent Alaska’s very first post.