E. Ross is the founder of Bent Alaska.
Tuesday, 22 April 2008 – 10:56 AM
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by E. Ross
Before the show, I wrote about Celebration of Change 2008 and posted a revised list of performers:
Lesbian Pirates Celebrate Music and Art. After the show, Laura Carpenter sent this message to celebrate the show’s success and to thank everyone who made it happen:
This year’s Celebration of Change, Pirates of the Lesibbean, was a success, thanks to our wonderful volunteers, performers and community. The performance was standing room only and lots of ladies were around to meet and greet each other. Radical Arts for Women would like to thank Teddy and LuAnn from Ever Ready for making the sound come alive, Delores and Gay for managing the stage and those special, unmentionable talents, Kenna for the stickers, designs and printing, Kelly, Kerri and son for managing the RAW table and vendors and cracking the whip when needed, Deb for the program and credit card action, Janet for spot light and other contributions, Maureen for presenting the Radical Woman Award, Drea for the pirate wench poster photographs, Connie for voter registration, Leslie for organizing performers, Myrna’s for the after party, and Everyone who contributed to this fabulous event. Thank you! And congratulations to Barbara Soule for winning the Radical Woman Award. Well deserved. Now, start getting your creative caps on for next year’s Celebration—the 25th anniversary! ~ Cheers, Laura
Friday, 18 April 2008 – 5:35 PM
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From the statewide newsletter
Alaska GLBT News (subscribe)
Alaskans Debate Day of Silence (4/25)
Bac’untry Bruthers –All-Night dRAGTIME Revue
Bacuntry Bruthers is a lesbian drag band from Fairbanks. 4/18 – 9:00pm, the RONDEVOUS, Valdez. 4/25 – 9:00pm, the KODIAK bar, Anchorage. 4/26 – 9:00pm, Crossroads Bar, Anchorage. Listen to them at
Four A’s Million Mile Raffle
Would you like to win 200,000 Alaska Airlines Miles? The Four A’s and local Soroptimist groups are selling raffle tickets with prizes adding up to 1 million Alaska Airlines Miles. The top prize is 200,000 miles. There are also two prizes of 100,000 miles, four prizes of 80,000 miles, five prizes of 40,000 miles and four prizes of 20,000 miles. Tickets are $20 a piece, 3 for $50 or a book of 20 for $325 and all the proceeds will benefit HIV/AIDS efforts in Alaska and globally. Drawing will be held on May 28, 2008 and winners do not need to be present to win. Contact Chrissy:
Fairbanks PFLAG Meeting 4/21, 6:30-8 p.m.
Join us for the next PFLAG meeting, at the Noel Wien Library. Bring ideas for the Golden Days float, parade and fair booth – let’s make it happen.
The Fetish Ball 4/19, 8pm
The naughty dress up party is a fundraiser for
Four A’s. Contests, leather wear, body art, entertainment, demos & food. Hosted this year by Kinky Klosets. $10
Mad Myrna’s.
Aries Birthday Party Potluck 4/20, 4 p.m.
Presents for all Aries who pre-register. Please contact Russ Reno or The Raven with your birth date and name to be included. This is a Potluck – please bring a dish to share.
This Way Out – GLBT Radio Program, Wednesdays 8:15-8:45 p.m.
This Way Out – The International Lesbian and Gay Radio Magazine – airs in Anchorage on KWMD/104.5 FM, and Kasilof on KWMD/90.7 FM. You can also hear it on the web at
Out In America, which has the program summary and past issues. [Note: the KWMD schedule lists This Way Out for 8-8:30 p.m., but this week it aired from 8:15-8:45 p.m.]
Wednesday, 16 April 2008 – 10:35 AM
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by E. Ross

Anyone and Everyone: An Alaskan Perspective – Thursday, April 17 on Alaska One and KAKM
Alaska’s GLBT communities and our Allies all over the state have a rare opportunity to participate in a gay event together on the same night – and it doesn’t have to stop there.
On Thursday, the rest of Alaska will see what Juneau gays, lesbians and allies helped to create last month: an Alaskan response to the film Anyone & Everyone, a PBS documentary about the reactions of parents whose son or daughter ‘came out’ as gay or lesbian. Both the documentary and the Alaskan response will air on April 17 on KTOO, KAKM and their affiliates in Fairbanks, Bethel, Kodiak, Anchorage, Juneau and many other locations.
In March, PFLAG and Iron Zeal Films sponsored Juneau screenings of Anyone & Everyone, and KTOO-TV filmed a panel and audience discussion about the film. In the KTOO production, Anyone & Everyone: An Alaskan Perspective, Juneau mayor Bruce Botelho hosts Casady Herding, The Reverend Mark Boesser, Willie Anderson and Karen Donovan as they share reactions, resources and personal stories as gay Alaskans, our family members and allies.
Anyone & Everyone features parents from a wide range of religions, ethnicities, and political leanings discussing their initial reactions to their child’s coming out. Some respond with unconditional support, but others struggle, fearing alienation from their extended family, their church, or their community. For more about the film and the screenings, see
Juneau Responds to Anyone & Everyone.
To draw attention to the show, KTOO Radio’s Community Forum host Dr. Carolyn Brown invited five members of the public for a discussion about Anyone and Everyone. “One is my mother, Mildred Boesser – a grandmother, an active Christian, a mother of a lesbian, and active PFLAG advocate,” writes Sara Boesser from Juneau. “I’m on the panel too, as a 50-something lesbian and activist, along with a lesbian woman in her early 20’s, an older man whose two gay brothers came out to his family in the 1940’s, and a woman counselor who works with Four A’s and has friends who are gay, lesbian and transgendered.”
The Juneau Community Forum radio panel can be heard on
www.ktoo.org. Look under KTOO Audio Files – Anyone & Everyone.
The TV broadcast of Anyone & Everyone and Anyone & Everyone: An Alaskan Perspective is on Thursday, April 17 on KAKM-TV, Anchorage from 8:00 to 9:30 pm, and on AlaskaOne (KTOO-Juneau, KUAC-Fairbanks, KYUK-Bethel) and 360 North from 9:00 to 10:30 pm. The programs will be rebroadcast on Saturday, April 19 on ARCS and 360 North from 7:00 to 8:30 pm.
This is a great opportunity for Alaska’s GLBT and Allied communities to see and hear our friends in Juneau. But why stop with Juneau? Let’s continue the discussion, with Alaskan perspectives from different parts of the state. Watch Anyone & Everyone and An Alaskan Perspective, then share your reactions, your family experiences, and your local resources for GLBT Alaskans and our families.
Send an email to
BentAlaska@gmail.com or add a comment to this article. I’ll put the responses together in a new post. Can we hear from each of the regions where the programs are broadcast: Interior, Western, Southcentral and Southeast? Anonymous replies are fine.
Let’s start with Juneau and make it a statewide Alaskan Perspective. How about it?
Monday, 14 April 2008 – 9:07 AM
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“The ICP Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball was a huge success. Prince Cory Crowder and Princess Rhonda Sheer stepped down, making way for our new Prince and Princess, Joseph Williams and April Rains. Fun was had by all, and the entertainment was awesome. Cory and Rhonda put on a fabulous show.”
~ From Mary Bess of the Imperial Court of All Alaska (ICOAA)

Prince Joseph Williams and Princess April Rains
Saturday, 12 April 2008 – 11:32 AM
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From the statewide newsletter
Alaska GLBT News (
Alaska’s Response to Anyone & Everyone, airs 4/17
See our Juneau friends on TV! Watch the film
Anyone & Everyone, followed by a 30 minute program on the responses of GLBT Alaskans and our family members, with a panel on resources for families of gays & lesbians. The program was taped last month and includes the Mayor of Juneau. Airs in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Bethel, Homer and anywhere that gets KTOO, KAKM, and their affiliates. Watch the trailer for
Anyone & Everyone. Read about the
Alaskan Response to the film.
Gay-Friendly Fishing Guides?
Know any gay-friendly fishing guides on the Kenai? It’s almost that time of year, and we want your recommendations. Contact
Fairbanks Potluck 4/15, 6:30 p.m.
Based on the success of the Community Potluck we had in March, we’re having another in April. Lots of fun, good conversation, great food. At the Ken Kunkel Center in Gold Stream. If you need a ride, or have questions, contact
Celebration of Change 4/12, 7 p.m.
Comedy Hypnosis Show 4/12, 9 p.m.
3rd Annual Bake Sale for Four A’s, 4/13, 4-6 p.m.
Scott Turner’s Bake Sale at
Mad Myrna’s (in Anchorage) to benefit
Four A’s. Bring your appetite and help raise more money this year. Can you provide baked goods, sweet or savory, Gluten Free/Wheat Free, Sugar Free/Diabetic, Bake & Take, or those fancy desserts for the Auction? From Scott: “I’ll be wearing another chocolate cake this year, but you better bring your wallets, because I will be up for auction this time!” Contact
PFLAG/Anchorage Annual Potluck and Silent Auction 4/17, 6-9 p.m.
Join PFLAG Anchorage for their Annual Potluck and Silent Auction. Proceeds will benefit both PFLAG and the Four A’s. Bring a dish to share and check out the silent auction items. At Immanuel Presbyterian Church (2311 Pembroke Street-east of 24th and Boniface). Contact
by E. Ross
Welcome, subscribers of
Alaska GLBT News – the statewide newsletter for GLBT events – and readers of the women’s newsletter, the
One lucky subscriber from each of these newsletters will win a free ticket to Celebration of Change –
Pirates of the Lesibbean.
Here’s how you can win:
- Give one reason why you want to attend Celebration of Change this year.
- Put the reason in an email to Bent Alaska: bentalaska@gmail.com
- Include the name of the newsletter you are subscribed to, either the Grrlzlist or Alaska GLBT News. You must be currently subscribed to one of these two newsletters to enter the contest. (Subscribe to AGN now.) If you are subscribed to both, you may send two separate messages, one for each subscription.
- Send from the email address where you receive your newsletter, to verify the subscription and to contact you if you win. (If sending from a different address, write the subscribed address in the message.)
- Be the 5th (fifth) subscriber from that newsletter to send an email.
- Check Bent Alaska on Saturday to see who won.
The tickets have been purchased and will be held at the door for the winners.
Good luck!
by E. Ross

Pictured from left to right: Janet Sarnick, Mandy Salgato, Jessicah Heller, Geysa Aldebot, Laura Carpenter, Stacey Uptegraft, and Amber Jay. Photos by Drea Hunnicutt. Design by Kenna Bates.
It’s a pirate’s life for Celebration of Change this year, and the Pirates of the Lesibbean have captured the Wilda Marston Theater for the annual women’s performance.
The show begins with a rowdy pirate song and dance number with music from the Pirates of the Caribbean 3. “Plenty of swabbing of the poop deck and stage combat,” said Leslie Ward, who choreographed the scene. “Dancers ‘capture’ performers and ‘toss them into the brig’ (backstage).”
Ward will perform two solo dances later in the show, jazz/modern and hip hop style. Other performers include EverReady, Barbara Wish and Stray Dogma. There will be dance, song, spoken word and comedy, and Radical Arts for Women (RAW) will announce the winner of the Radical Woman Award.
The Bazaar before and after the show includes visual art, information and snacks.
“I haven’t seen the rehearsals at all,” said Laura Carpenter, Coordinator of RAW and Treasurer/P.R. for Celebration. “I’m the behind the scenes person this year. The show will just happen like magic for me that night. I’m excited about it.”
Carpenter has been involved with Celebration of Change for five years and performed in several shows. As Coordinator of RAW, she oversaw the distribution of $2,000 in grants in 2007 to feminist and lesbian artists.
“Celebration is usually a full house, but not sold out,” said Laura. “I like it that way because I don’t like turning people away.” The $15 tickets are available before the show at Metro and the GLCCA, and are the same price at the door Saturday night. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the show begins at 7 p.m.
Celebration of Change is the annual fundraiser for
Radical Arts for Women, a Lesbian and Feminist philanthropic organization that funds Alaskan women art projects. In addition to Celebration and the Radical Woman Award, RAW sponsors a short story contest for women in Alaska. This year’s winning entry is posted on the RAW web site.
So hoist a lavendar skull and crossbones, and come to the Wilda Marston Theater in Loussac Library for Celebration of Change – Pirates of the Lesibbean!
Tuesday, 8 April 2008 – 11:30 AM
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by E. Ross
Going to Gay Days at Disney World in Orlando this June? Or the US Gay Tennis Open in San Francisco in May? Maybe you’d like to spend a week in Miami in June? How about Santa Rosa, CA before April 30?
Then take advantage of the Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air discount codes and fly for 10% off the base fare when you buy the tickets on their Gay Travel site.
These are the infamous ‘gay discounts’ that caused an outpouring of hate speech on the Internet last year. Confused homophobes claimed that the airlines were charging higher prices to straight travelers by offering a discount to gays. Anti-diversity conservatives posted angry rants because Alaska Airlines recognized the power of the pink dollar and marketed to us on the web.
In reality, anyone can use the discount codes, gay or straight, and no one is required to attend the LGBT events to receive the discount. You just have to fly to a qualifying airport during the discounted dates.
The Gay Travel site is an effort to reach LGBT consumers and to promote online ticketing. In response to the feedback condemning the new site, the airlines removed “Gay Travel” from the title of the featured destination page, but kept the main site and the list of LGBT events in locations they serve.
Every year, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation rates large U.S. employers on a scale from 0 to 100 based on whether or not they have policies that support LGBT employees, consumers and investors. Alaska Airlines, headquartered in Seattle, Washington, earned 95 out of 100 on the
Corporate Equality Index 2008, rating a ‘green light’ in the
Buying For Equality Guide. Only two airlines rated higher, American Airlines and US Airways, with 100 points each. No Alaska-based companies were included in the Index, but many of the rated companies do business in Alaska.
Here are the Alaska Airlines discounted dates and locations for 2008:
- 5/20-5/29 to San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose (GLTF’s US Gay Open)
- 6/3-6/9 to Orlando, FL (Gay Days at Disney World Resort)
- 7/12-7/19 to Miami, FL (GALA Choruses Festival)
- complete travel by 4/30 to Santa Rosa/Sonoma County, CA (Featured Destination)
To receive the discount, just enter the correct code for your date and location of travel in the Discount Code box when you purchase the tickets at
alaskaair.com/gaytravel. The discount will show in the final total of your ticket and is for the base fare only. Be sure to read the
limitations of the discount codes before buying the ticket.
In these days of rising air fares, a 10% discount is a welcome sight. When Alaska Airlines recognizes and rewards their LGBT customers, employees and investors, we can support their efforts and encourage them to continue ‘Taking Diversity to the Sky.’
California and Florida, here we come!
by E. Ross
Previously, I posted the first part of a series on GLBT Alaskan Resources: Where to Find GLBT Alaska –
Annual Events. I asked for feedback to update the list and received several messages about two changes: The Pride Conference was not held at UAA last year, and the Picnic may no longer be held in Eklutna.
Here is the revised list of main annual events for GLBT Alaska, in seasonal order:
- Arctic Heat (Jan.) – TLFMC comes out of hibernation to choose the next Bear and Leather titleholders.
- Celebration of Change (April) – RAW’s ‘break-up’ performance celebrates women, art, music and springtime.
- Day of Silence & Prom (April) – GLSEN’s Day of Silence and same-sex prom graduates teens in style.
- PrideFest (June) – Identity’s summer solstice Pride Parade and Festival displays our Pride downtown.
- Coronation (August) – ICOAA’s late summer extravaganza invests the new Imperial Court.
- Pride Picnic (Memorial Day) – The Picnic and BBQ celebrate unity and the end of summer.
- Pride Conference (October) – Identity’s back-to-school conference is inspired by National Coming Out Day.
The list is still focused on Anchorage. What are the main annual events for Fairbanks and Juneau? Please email or leave a comment below, and help to make a complete resource list for GLBT Alaska. Not sure how to comment? Read
5 Easy Ways to Enjoy This Blog.
Friday, 4 April 2008 – 7:48 AM
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National LGBT Health Awareness Week 4/6-4/12
National Coalition for LGBT Health presents the 6th Annual LGBT Health Awareness Week, April 6-12, 2008. “Make your body healthy, make your mind strong, make your community powerful, make your voice heard.”
Interior AIDS Association Raffle
What would you do with $11,000? Read
Big Prizes in IAA Raffle. The raffle is open to everyone, everywhere – but only 250 tickets are sold. Drawing in June. Tickets available at the
IAA office. Email
Margaret Cho’s Beautiful Tour – tickets available 4/4
Voices of Men 4/4, 8 p.m.
Ben Atherton-Zeman, a nationally known poignant comedian, presents his one-man show
Voices of Men as a benefit for S.T.A.R. (Standing Together Against Rape.) $10
Mad Myrna’s.
Womyn’s Dance 4/5 7 p.m.
Are you ready to dance? We are! The Womyn’s Dance is April 5 at the Snow Goose. Enjoy a great variety of music and plenty of dancing women. Optional $5 contribution. LET’S DANCE! Contact
Carolyn. Read
Anchorage Women Dance the Night Away.
Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball 4/5, Show at 9 p.m.
Celebrate the stepping down of our reigning Prince Cory and Princess Rhonda, and welcome the new prince and princess of the
Imperial Court. $15 includes a buffet dinner and dessert.
Mad Myrna’s. Contact
Mary Bess.
MCC’s Johnathan Jones Appreciation Day Potluck 4/6
Johnathan Jones Appreciation Day Potluck after the 2 p.m. service on 4/6. If you want to be on the program (no sermon), or have questions, contact
Edie. Read
Appreciating MCC’s Rev. Johnathan Jones. There is a special meeting on Saturday 4/5 at GLCCA 11 a.m. to brainstorm fundraising ideas for MCC.