Articles by E. Ross
E. Ross is the founder of Bent Alaska.
Mayor to Gays: You Don’t Count
Equality Works Disappointed in Mayor’s Lack of Leadership

Sullivan VETOES Ordinance 64: no evidence, will of people

Statement from Mayor Sullivan’s office:
On August 11, 2009, the Anchorage Assembly passed AO2009-64(S-2) as amended. I have reviewed the ordinance, heard the Assembly justifications for and against it, and understand the sentiments expressed during the many hours of public testimony. Since the passage, I have received nearly 2,500 additional communications from Anchorage residents. I thank all of those who took the time to participate in the process.
My review shows that there is clearly a lack of quantifiable evidence necessitating this ordinance. My review also shows that the vast majority of those who communicated their position on the ordinance are in opposition.
As elected officials, we are charged with reflecting the will of the community in our decisions, particularly in the absence of compelling data that would supersede that will.
Therefore, I hereby veto AO2009-64(S-2) as amended.
Note: The mayor’s office does not plan to conduct individual media requests today. Questions will be referred back to the statement.
No “Dead Queers” means No Discrimination: Opponents of Ordinance 64

Update: Mayor Sullivan VETOED Ordinance 64. Read the mayor’s statement HERE, then contact the Assembly and ask them to over-ride the veto. They have 21 days.
* * *
What is the anti-gay lobby saying about the passage of Ordinance 64? An Anchorage blogger* wrote:
[Assembly members] Chris Birch and Bill Starr said they had not been convinced that discrimination against gays and lesbians is a problem in Anchorage. “I don’t see signs that say, ‘No Gays Allowed,’. We have a tolerant and diverse community that generally gets along,” he said. Birch also bemoaned the amount of time devoted to this issue, saying he would rather have devoted the time to determine how to better deal with the homeless problem. This is a valid point, since we are not finding dead queers on our streets, but dead homeless people. [emphasis added]
Is that what it takes: “dead queers” on our streets? We don’t even know that there are no “dead queers,” since no state or city agency collects data on anti-gay discrimination. And if the 3 reported anti-gay murders and dozens of attacks and harassment incidents are not enough evidence, how many “dead queers” will be necessary before the city admits there is discrimination against gays?
Homelessness is a serious problem in Anchorage, one that deserves more attention. But there is no point in blaming ordinance supporters for the 25 long hours of testimony to the Assembly. It was the opponents’ strategy to delay the vote, by getting hundreds of church members to testify from as far away as Wasilla.
The blogger, who lists a dozen white supremacist groups on his blogroll, also calls supporters of Ordinance 64 “abusive.” He assumes that a ballot measure to repeal the ordinance, if the Mayor does not veto it by Tuesday, will pass because:
The gay-lovers may be the most vocal and the most abusive, but they are not the most numerous.
I attended the public hearings and watched in disbelief while dozens of anti-gay opponents shouted and insulted and threatened and preached hellfire at the Assembly members each night. They won the “most abusive” label, hands down.
Meanwhile, opponent Jerry Prevo of the Anchorage Baptist Church is keeping up the pressure on Mayor Sullivan, using his pulpit to rally the troops and flood the city with calls and letters:
The Gay Rights Ordinance, 2009-64(s-2), is bad public policy. It will make homosexuality and transgender (which is any form of sexual perversion) an acceptable alternative lifestyle. It is ridiculous to provide special rights for people who chose to engage in immoral, unnatural, perverted sexual activity. Do they have the right to do it? Yes, but we should not be forced to condone it. Homosexuality is a diseased and depraved lifestyle. Young people do not need to be made to think it is an “ok” lifestyle.” [emphasis added]
Prevo’s June 28 sermon “Did Jesus Discriminate?” preached against the equal rights ordinance, calling gays a long list of names, saying “you can’t be both” gay and Christian, and claiming that Jesus did discriminate, sometimes violently. Part 1 of the sermon video is posted HERE, Part 2 is posted below.
“I watched it. I was amazed,” wrote Glenn, an ordinance supporter who created the poster above. “So, I started working on a series of posters ‘Jerry, In His Own Words.’ Not trying to be mean, just trying to make a point: it’s not the gospel, it’s hate speech.”
Video of Prevo’s sermon, “Did Jesus Discriminate?” part 2:
* I’m not going to link directly to his blog, but the name would usually be a GLBT name. To find it, search for our state name followed by the short name of the LGBT community’s late June Festival. Warning: this is a political blog by a white supremacist, and many posts are disturbing.
Poster Prevo: In His Own Words © 2009 by Glenn Harvey, used with permission.
To Mayor Sullivan on Property Tax Day

Native Corp, Credit Union & other businesses support Ordinance 64

“The Anchorage business community strongly supports AO 64. An open and diverse workplace fosters strong customer relations and a vibrant, expanding economy. Businesses have to recruit and retain the best and the brightest personnel. For us to succeed, Anchorage must protect everyone’s right to equal opportunity in employment, education, housing, financing, and public accommodations. We are pleased with the Assembly’s action and support including sexual orientation and gender identity in equal rights laws.”
Arctic Wire & Rope Supply, Cabin Fever, Circular, CIRI, Classic Woman/Portfolio, Copper Whale Inn, Credit Union One, Finite Technologies, Ginger, Middleway Café, Modern Dwellers, Quilted Raven, Snow City Café, Spenard Roadhouse, Sacks Café and Restaurant,
Glenn Johnson, Chief Financial Officer & Executive Director of Finance, Alaska Airlines, and Mike Jens, owner, Hawk Consultants.
Dear Mayor Sullivan:Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (“CIRI”) strongly supports Anchorage Ordinance 2009-64 (“AO-64”) that was recently passed by the Anchorage Assembly and encourages you to support anti-discrimination in our community by allowing the ordinance to pass.CIRI strongly believes that all individuals deserve fair and equal employment opportunities, protection from unfair discrimination and the right to live their lives without fear. CIRI promotes fair and equal treatment within our own company through our Business Ethics and Compliance Program and our Code of Business Ethics and Compliance. Our policies provide “… equal employment to all persons regardless of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital and/or parental status.” These policies were developed to provide a clear and common understanding of CIRI’s values and the ethical expectations that we have for the conduct of our employees and business activities.As a major employer in our community, CIRI takes pride in our reputation as a good corporate citizen as demonstrated by our own monetary and in-kind contributions and volunteer activities, as well as those of our many affiliated subsidiaries and non-profit entities.As Mayor, you can take pride that AO-64 sends a clear message that our City protects the diversity we value so much and will not tolerate discrimination against individuals based upon their sexual orientation for employment, housing, education and public accommodation opportunities.CIRI joins many other businesses and organizations in voicing our support for AO-64 and urges you to do the right thing by not exercising your veto power over AO-64.Sincerely,Cook Inlet Region, Inc.
This Week in LGBT Alaska 8/14/09

Juneau-Douglas Picnic: Spectacular Summer Diversity Celebration at Sandy Beach Saviko Park Shelter #1, 3-8 p.m. on Saturday, August 15. SEAGLA
Pied Piper tour group Reception 8/16, 5-7 p.m. at the Imperial Saloon. Cash Bar, Dance Music. SEAGLA
SEAGLA Social Fridays (6-8 p.m.) for GLBT people and our friends over 21, at The Imperial Bar, downtown.
PFLAG Booth at the Tanana Valley State Fair, thru 8/15. Fairbanks PFLAG
Mat-Su Valley
Mat-Su LGBT Community Center in Palmer is open M-F 5-8 p.m. (except 6-8 on Wed.) The social group meets Wednesdays, 5-6 p.m. at Vagabond Blues.
Friday Night Divas Variety Show, 9p.m followed by Karaoke with Paige. Mad Myrna’s.
Side Street Saturdays, an informal meetup for LGBT writers, at noon in Side Street Cafe.
Jay Her’s Comedy Hypnosis Show 8/15, 9 p.m. at Mad Myrna’s, followed by DJ Mad Mike at 11 p.m.
Sunday worship and monthly potluck with MCC Anchorage, 2 p.m.
Emperor and Empress Candidates BBQ 8/16, 4 p.m. at The Raven.
Transgender Support Group, Sundays 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the GLCCA.
Anchorage Frontrunners, Tuesdays, 6 p.m.
AO 64 Passes – Call Mayor Sullivan Today

Assembly PASSES Ordinance 64!

The Anchorage Assembly passed Ordinance 64(S-2) tonight, voting 7-4 to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the city’s non-discrimination policies. Coffey’s resolution to commission another study of LGBT discrimination, instead of passing the ordinance, failed.
“We are thrilled that the Assembly gave us a majority vote and passed version S-2,” said Jackie Buckley, spokesperson for Equality Works. “We are looking forward to Dan Sullivan doing the right thing and making it economically safer for our families.”
Ordinance 64(S-2) will protect lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people against discrimination in housing, employment, finance, education and public accommodations in the Municipality of Anchorage.
Many LGBT residents and allies gave testimony to the Assembly on the need for protection, including several who risked their jobs to testify. A series of supportive testimony is posted on Bent Alaska.
The Assembly held 6 public hearings on Ordinance 64 this summer, because anti-gay leaders encouraged opponents from as far away as Wasilla to testify on the Anchorage ordinance, to delay the vote until after Mayor Sullivan took office on July 1.
Mayor Sullivan has not stated a position on the equal rights ordinance that was introduced three months ago. However, Sullivan ran on a conservative platform, took anti-gay positions as an Assembly member, and is likely to veto the ordinance.
This is the third time Anchorage has tried to pass protections for gays and lesbians. Each time, the right-wing religious groups organized against us and threatened to unseat Assembly members who voted for the protections. Mayor Sullivan’s father, then-Mayor George Sullivan, vetoed one of the ordinances.
At least 108 cities have trans-inclusive non-discrimination laws, including El Paso, TX, Kansas City, MO, Gainesville, FL, and Columbia, SC. In addition, 13 states and Washington, D.C. have LGBT non-discrimination laws.
Will Anchorage join those cities and protect its residents against anti-LGBT discrimination, or will Mayor Sullivan tell the world that Anchorage will continue to allow discrimination?
Contact Mayor Sullivan today and ask him to let Ordinance 64 become a law! Call (907) 343-7170 or (907) 343-7100, or email him at mayor(at)muni(dot)org.