Acceptance: An alternative approach to suicide intervention, at Alaska Pride Conference 2012
“Acceptance: An Alternative Approach to Suicide Intervention” comprises two workshops at Alaska Pride Conference 2012 on Saturday, October 6, part of the “Acceptance” series of discussions in honor of Mya Dale.
Conference participants will hear panelists discuss the topic of suicide intervention from two different approaches. In the first workshop, members of our own community will talk about their personal struggle with self-harm urges and share a powerful tool they’ve use to reduce risk In the second, behavioral health professionals come to us pro bono for frank talk about mental illness, how we can support, and how we can be supported.
Please join us at Alaska Pride Conference 2012 at the Millennium Alaskan Hotel on Saturday, October 6.
Track 1 (1:50 to 3:00 PM)
Everyday Peoples’ Tools to Resist Suicide and Keep on Living
Bianca and Mel, with Tami, Shannon, and Danny
A panel of individuals who have experienced suicidal thoughts or attempts, depressed or anxious moods and self-harm, share personal tools they have used to overcome and survive these challenging times. The workshop enables attendees to recognize and mitigate conditions that can intensify the urge to self-harm or commit suicide. Panelists help attendees by sharing their own methods, encouraging them to help themselves. Mental Health challenges are normalized. Participants exercise using the HALT assessment (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) ; discussing what things they would do to take care of themselves.
Track 2 (3:20 to 4:30 PM)
Battleground of the Mind: The Connection between Mental Health and Suicidal Thought — Ways to Understand, Support and Heal
Bianca and panelists
Mental health professionals discuss conditions or emotional states that include a high risk for suicide. Panelists discuss options and the importance of education and support for people wrestling with mental health conditions and challenges, along with their family and friends. Attendees are informed about some approaches and symptoms of mental illness/ conditions known to carry a risk for suicide. Audience feels free to discuss and ask questions about conditions or symptoms experienced or observed. Discussion has the effect of increasing understanding, reducing stigma and introducing options. Attendees are informed about how they can be further educated, supportive and get support for themselves.
Panelists for this session include:
- Dr. Ebony McClain-Owens
- Tami Lubitsh, MA, RDT, LPC
- Kaya T. Kade, LPC, CDHS, TEP
- Prentiss Pemberton, LCSW
- Charles Hart
See also complete information about all the workshops and events at Alaska Pride Conference 2012.
- Date/time: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
- Location: Millennium Alaskan Hotel, 4800 Spenard Road, Anchorage (see map)
- Cost of admission: $20 adult; $10 student. Scholarships available for 2 hours of volunteering at conference. Registration includes Saturday breakfast and lunch. $5 additional at the door. Youth scholarships available: see application forms at Identity website.
- Further info: see Facebook events page or Identity website.