Two ICOAA events: Annual Memorial Day picnic on Monday, and MGA pageant coming up on June 2
It’s Memorial Day Weekend, which means it’s time for the Imperial Court’s annual Memorial Day picnic at Kincaid Park on Monday, May 28. That’s also the application deadline for candidates for Mr./Miss/Ms./Mister Gay Alaska, for the annual MGA pageant to be held Saturday, June 2.
44th Annual Big Gay Memorial Day Picnic at Kincaid Park
The College of Emperors and Empresses of the Imperial Court of All Alaska invites you all to its 44th Annual Big Gay Memorial Day Picnic, Monday, May 28, from noon until 5 PM. The College will once again have its world-famous secret-recipe hot dogs and hamburgers on sale (with proceeds benefiting the College); games for the whole family: egg toss, water-balloon toss, high-heel races, just to name a few! Everyone is welcome!
The Memorial Day Picnic, as well as other College of Emperors and Empresses’ programs, are funded by our food and beverage sales at this event. Therefore, we ask that there be no other food or beverage booths at the picnic.
**The ICOAA is not encouraging this venue as anything other than a picnic. NO VENDORS ALLOWED! However, if your club, business, for-profit or non-profit is insistent and wants to give away, put on a soapbox, share goods, or host a ride during the picnic,
the ICOAA requires a $25 fee and a completed Barker Form.
- Date/time: Monday, May 28, 12:00 noon to 5:00 PM
- Location: Kincaid Park, 9401 Raspberry Road, Anchorage (see map)
- Cost of admission: none!
- Further info: see Facebook events page
ICOAA 2012-13 MGA Pageant
[caption id="attachment_8335" align="alignright" width="312" caption="Mr./Miss/Ms./Mister Gay Alaska application form. Click through for a full-sized version!"]
Are YOU the next Mr./Miss/Ms./Mister Gay Alaska? The 2012 MGA Pageant will held Saturday, June 2, 2012 at Mad Myrna’s. Candidates must submit their applications at the ICOAA annual Memorial Day picnic on May 28.
The titles of Mr./Miss/Ms./Mister Gay Alaska are selected by Official Pageant Rules. Approved candidates will be judged on the following categories with corresponding points:
- Introductions in Street Attire (10 points)
- Swimwear (5 points)
- Talent (20 points)
- Formal Attire (15 points)
- Interview during Formal Attire (50 points)
Applicants for this title must:
- Be at least 21 years of age with valid legal identification;
- Provide proof of residency in the State of Alaska for one year prior to June 2, 2012;
- Not be a reigning title-holder within the ICOAA or any other ICS organization, Pageant System, or Fraternal Organization;
- Be a current member in good standing of the Imperial Court of All Alaska**;
- Submit a Candidate Fee in the amount of $20.00 with this form, payable in cash or money order to the ICOAA. No personal checks will be accepted (fee will be returned if Candidacy is denied).
Term of office will be from June 2, 2012 to ICP Ball in June 1(estimated), 2013; adhere to the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures of the Imperial Court of All Alaska**; expect a time commitment of approximately five hours per month.
Application deadline
Applicant will submit the completed application form and $20 applicant fee to Kevin Holtz, Court Treasurer, between noon and 5:00 PM on Monday, May 28, 2012 at the annual Memorial Day picnic at Kincaid Park.
- Date/time: Saturday, June 2, 7:00 PM
- Location: Mad Myrna’s, 530 East 5th Avenue, Anchorage, AK (see map)
- Cost of admission: $10 at the door.
- Age restriction: Mad Myrna’s is a bar! Must be 21 with valid ID to enter.
- Further info: Contact Kevin Holtz (907) 230-1108