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Sara’s News Roundup 3/12/12: The personal & political in same-sex marriage votes

Submitted by on Monday, 12 March 2012 – 8:54 AMNo Comment
[caption id="attachment_7370" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Same-sex marriage in the U.S., March 2012. Click through for detailed info."]Same-sex marriage in the U.S., March 2012[/caption]

Republican legislators in three states changed their votes on same-sex marriage through having a personal connection with gay friends, relatives, or constituents,  and other recent LGBTQ news selected by Sara Boesser in Juneau, Alaska.

1) In three states, personal stories changed gay marriage
Los Angeles, Reuters, March 5, 2012

The personal experiences of friends, family or constituents persuaded a crucial group of Republican lawmakers to vote for same-sex marriage in three state legislatures last month, in some cases tipping the balance in favor of legalizing gay matrimony.

Among them were two Washington state legislators with gay relatives, a New Jersey state senator who changed her mind while working on an anti-bullying measure and a Maryland state House delegate inspired by a gay couple coping with cancer.

2) South Korean actor throws open closet door
LA Times, Seoul, South Korea, March 5, 2012

After a brutal reaction to his coming out, Hong Seok-cheon decided to fight back. Slowly, especially from the young, he and other gays gained more acceptance.

3) Rush Limbaugh Jabs Lesbians Getting Divorced, They Jab Back
California, Advocate, March 7, 2012

Rush Limbaugh took at jab at all same-sex marriages after hearing the news that the lesbian couple who were among the first to marry in California are now getting a divorce. But they’re perfectly capable of jabbing back, just not with a built-in national audience….

“Rush Limbaugh is two or three divorces ahead of me,” [lesbian comedian Robin Tyler] said in a statement to The Advocate.

4) Right Wingers Lambast Sandra Fluke – This Time for Supporting LGBT-Specific Health Care
SheWired, March 3, 2012

After having been slandered by Rush Limbaugh for her congressional testimony on women’s health and contraception, Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke is being lambasted by other right-wingers for supporting insurance coverage of LGBT-specific health needs, such as gender-reassignment procedures.

5) AP Exclusive: Obama’s transgender ex-nanny ‘proud’
Jakarta, Indonesia, Associated Press, March 5, 2012

Once, long ago, Evie looked after “Barry” Obama, the kid who would grow up to become the world’s most powerful man. Now, his transgender former nanny has given up her tight, flowery dresses, her brocade vest and her bras, and is living in fear on Indonesia’s streets.

6) Portland bishop says Catholic Church won’t actively campaign against gay marriage
Portland, Maine, Bangor Daily News, March 2, 2012

PORTLAND, Maine — The Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland will not actively campaign against a statewide referendum seeking to legalize same-sex marriage but instead will focus on teaching parishioners about the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, the bishop announced Friday.

7) Lesbian custody battle in Florida could redefine law on sperm, egg donors
Tallahassee, Florida, N.Y. Daily News, March 4, 2012

A custody battle in Florida between two lesbians could fuel the growing national debate over the definition of motherhood.

It also might force state lawmakers to reconsider a 19-year-old law regarding the rights of sperm and egg donors.

The women, now in their 30s and known in court papers only by their initials, were both law enforcement officers in Florida. One partner donated an egg that was fertilized and implanted in the other. That woman gave birth in 2004, nine years into their relationship.

But the Brevard County couple separated two years later, and the birth mother eventually left Florida with the child without telling her former lover. The woman who donated the egg and calls herself the biological mother finally tracked them down in Australia with the help of a private detective.

8) Veterans Administration Makes Important Clarification on Records Policy
National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), March 2012

Building on the June 2011 Directive on the treatment of transgender veterans, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has announced a clarification to its records policy that will make significant difference in the lives of trans veterans [regarding] documentation that was required for veterans to change the gender marker on their health records.

9) Woman lived as a man for 41 years because parents didn’t tell her she was born a hermaphrodite
U.K., Daily Mail, February 27, 2012

Caroline Kinsey has lived almost all her life as a man as her parents hid her intersex medical condition from her until she was 19.

10) New NYC center caters to gay and lesbian seniors
New York, CBS News, March 1, 2012

New York City celebrated the opening Thursday of what city officials say is the nation’s first full-service senior center designed specifically for the gay community.

11) Abstinence-only sex education bill passes Utah Legislature
Salt Lake City ,Utah, Huffington Post, March 6, 2012

A controversial bill that mandates an abstinence-only sex education curriculum for Utah public schools passed the Utah Senate with little debate on Tuesday.

12) Catholics intensify campaign against gay marriage
AFP, March 11, 2012

The Roman Catholic Church [in Britain] stepped up its campaign against civil gay marriage, with a letter from two senior archbishops being read out at services in 2,500 churches on Sunday.

13) Musician Chely Wright to open LGBT center in KC
Kansas City, MO., Associated Press, March 8, 2012

When country musician Chely Wright came out as a lesbian, radio stations stopped playing her songs, record sales dropped and venues stopped booking her.

Despite the challenges she’s faced over the past two years, the performer known for her hits such as “Single White Female” and “Shut Up and Drive” has no regrets, and she wants to help others facing similar challenges.

LIKEME Organization, a nonprofit group Wright started, is opening a community center in Kansas City this weekend that will serve as a place for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their families and friends to meet up.

14) One Million Moms Drops Ellen Degeneres JC Penney Protest
Hollywood Reporter, March 8, 2012

Mission unaccomplished, conservative group One Million Moms is putting an end to its efforts to pressure JC Penney from dropping Ellen Degeneres as its spokesperson.

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