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Home » Anchorage, Events, Friends & allies, Pride

Alaska hearts Pink Dot

Submitted by on Saturday, 30 July 2011 – 9:07 AMNo Comment

Anchorage joined cities around the world on June 18 when we gathered a circle of people wearing pink – a human Pink Dot – in an Anchorage park to support the Freedom to Love. In addition to the dot, we made a big heart in honor of Love.

Pink Dot Anchorage was an official Alaska PrideFest event. Here’s the wrap up report and photo from Pink Dot Anchorage Alaska:

Pink Dot Anchorage Alaska 2011

“Thank You for Coming Out Saturday! I believe we had about 100 people there, of all ages! We gave out 90 Pink Balloons. The Heart Picture and two more pictures have been posted on the Event page. There is a video footage of us forming the Heart that I’m waiting to receive and then I’ll be posting that one too.

It’s amazing to see the turnout that we got this weekend! I saw individuals of all ages there and everyone was decked out in their Best Pink. I caught many people walking by, asking ‘what’s with all the Pink’ and people responding, “To make a statement that We All Support the Freedom to Love!” It’s such an amazing thing to see come together.

Also, there have been people stepping up and giving input and ideas on how we should do it again next time around, how we can make it even bigger and better!”

When we announced the Anchorage event, Bent Alaska posted the inspirational Pink Dot video from Singapore, where the event began three years ago.

Over 10,000 supporters of the Freedom to Love came to Hong Lim Park in Singapore this year for Pink Dot 2011, which included a picnic, a concert and the making of the Pink Dot.

“Pink Dot 2011 aims to re-affirm the movement’s credo, Supporting the Freedom to Love, by encouraging Singaporeans to speak up for their LGBT friends and relatives. This peaceful event was attended by both straight and gay Singaporeans and permanent residents, many who came with their family members.

Pink Dot Sg has also motivated similar movements overseas, with cities such as New York, London, Montreal, even as far away as Anchorage, Alaska, organising their own local editions of Pink Dot.”

Watch a video of the highlights from Singapore Pink Dot 2011.

The video of the very first Pink Dot Anchorage Alaska group forming a heart will be added here when it becomes available.

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