This weekend in LGBTQ Alaska (6/2/11): An ordination, a USO show, male strippers, and IAA First Friday

The ordination of an Anchorage religious leader, a USO-themed fundraiser for Alaska Pride , the visit of a male-stripper review from NYC, and IAA’s First Friday show in Fairbanks dominate this weekend in LGBTQ Alaska. Those events and more, plus a preview of what’s coming up next week.
For further details on any of these events, go to our Alaska LGBTQ events page, and click on the event you’re interested in on the calendar. There you’ll find all the details, including date, time, location, cost, and links to where you can get further information.
This weekend
- The F Word NYC is a male-stripper revue from New York City.They’ll be having several shows around Anchorage over the weekend: at the Kodiak at 1:00 AM Friday morning (yes, that really means late late late tonight!), and on Saturday a 7:30 show at the Crazy Horse and a 10:30 show at Mad Myrna’s. They’ll also be performing at some “straight” venues around town (Club Elixir and Three Amigos Restaurant): see the detail on any of the gay venues listed on our events calendar for the complete schedule.
- Tret Fure will be giving a house concert! Tret is singer-songwriter prominent in the women’s music scene, with a whole bunch of albums to her name, the latest being The Horizon (2010).
Sara Gavit will be ordained a deacon at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church on Saturday afternoon, with potluck to follow at Waldron Hall.
A night at the USO, a military affair at Mad Myrna’s on Saturday night is not only a fundraiser, it’s also a funraiser, with hosts Colleen Crinklaw, Jerad Martens and performers Isis Von Croft, Alexis Kellie, Diedra Windsor Walker, Sahandra Crosse, Mariquita and more bringing you entertainment from a 1940s-style USO. Andrews Sisters? Bob Hope? — eat your heart out! All monies raised go to support Alaska Pride.
- No Anchorage weekend is ever not a drag. On Friday, Mad Myrna’s Friday Night Diva Variety Show; the Crazy Horse’s Illusions of Delusion both Friday and Saturday nights; and Kodiak Bar & Grill’s Lip Gloss Review on Saturday night.
First Friday at Interior AIDS Association this month presents, a solo exhibition of the original artwork of Lee Ward.
- An informal LGBT discussion group is held the first Sunday every month at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fairbanks (UUFF). All are welcome — you don’t need to be a UU member to attend!
- SEAGLA Friday Social at the Goldbelt Hotel.
Coming up next week
- Regular weekly events during the week include Gay, Joyous, and Free AA at Anchorage’s Gay and Lesbian Community Center (Monday) and the Mat-Su LGBT Community Group at Vagabond Blues in Palmer (Wednesday).
- Is There Jeopardy in Coming Out as a Native LGBTQ person? is the question to be asked next Tuesday on the national call-in program Native America Calling, broadcast in Anchorage on KNBA 90.3 FM. (Stay tuned for more complete info on Bent Alaska.)
- Next weekend in Anchorage: A Three Veils weekend at Out North,with a special screening of the film next Saturday, and two related events with filmmaker Rolla Selbak and actress Sheetal Sheth; Loud and PROUD, an all-ages LGBTQ-friendly dance (also at Out North); the 19th Annual Alaska Run for Women, which raises funds to fight breast cancer; and Jay Her’s Comedy Hypnosis Show at Mad Myrna’s.
- Next weekend in Juneau: SEAGLA Friday Social at the Goldbelt Hotel.
Is your event not on our calendar? No matter where you are in the state, if you’re running an event of interest to the LGBT community, we’d be glad to put it on our calendar. Learn how to get the news to us by reading all about our new & improved Bent Alaska events calendar.
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