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Bent News, 5/26/11: Roger Ailes finds us skeeeeeery!

Submitted by on Thursday, 26 May 2011 – 6:41 PMNo Comment

A Gallup poll update on American attitudes about gays and lesbians, how to help Joplin LGBT tornado victms, Moscow Pride, Fox News president Roger Ailes is skeeeeered, and more from the past couple of days in today’s Bent News.

Public opinion

[caption id="attachment_3235" align="aligncenter" width="517" caption="Gallup poll chart: "In your view, is being gay or lesbian something a person is born with, or due to factors such as upbringing or environment?" In 1978, 13% said homosexuality was innate v. 56% saying it was due to upbringing/environment; in 2011, 42% said innate and 40% upbringing/environment."]Gallup poll chart: "In your view, is being gay or lesbian something a person is born with, or due to factors such as upbringing or environment?"[/caption]

Homosexuality: Born This Way? Only 40% Of Americans Think So (New Civil Rights Movement, 5/26/11). A new Gallup study finds that only 40% of Americans think that being gay or lesbian is something we’re born with. But only 13% believed that in 1978. Belief that sexual orientation is inherent is strongly correlated with beliefs about the moral acceptibility of homosexuality and the legality of lesbian/gay relations. Gallup also reports that support for the legality of gay and lesbian relations between consenting adults (i.e., sex) is at an all time high (64%). Results are based on Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs poll conducted May 5-8, 2011.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="517" caption="Gallup poll chart: "Do you think gay or lesbian relations between consenting adults should or should not be legal?" In 1978, 43% said yes; in 2011, 64% said yes."]Gallup poll chart: "Do you think gay or lesbian relations between consenting adults should or should not be legal?"[/caption]

Alaska news

Bent Alaska co-admin & contributor Mel Green has been selected for a full scholarship to the Netroots Connect LGBT pre-conference (June 15) as well as the full Netroots Nation conference being held June 16-19 Minneapolis. Congratulations, Mel!


Map of Joplin tornado path;gay church trashed during services; gay dance club ok (AKSARBENT, 5/24/11). Joplin’s LGBTQ-inclusive Spirit of Christ MCC was destroyed, as well as the pastor’s home, cars, and the cars of other members who were attending services. Donate at ProMo Action Center to help Joplin’s LGBTQ residents affected by the tornado.

Tennessee follow-up

Tenn. Gov. Defends Antigay Bill (Advocate, 5/26/11; includes video). How can you defend the indefensible? But Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam of Tennessee tries. He signed a bill on Monday which negated Nashville’s nondiscrimination law. Meanwhile, Keen News Service reports that gay legal activists are already at work on a legal challenge to the new law.

Tenn. Gov. Defends Antigay Bill (Advocate, 5/26/11; includes video). How can you defend the indefensible? But Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam of Tennessee tries. He signed a bill on Monday which negated Nashville’s nondiscrimination law. Meanwhile, Keen News Service reports that gay legal activists are already at work on a legal challenge to the new law.


Moscow Gay Pride – Our Annual Blog (UK Gay News, ongoing). Moscow officials have banned Pride again, but Muscovian gays are determined to have it anyway. The Moscow Gay Pride blog, from UK Gay News, is following the story. The New Civil Rights Movement reported today that  DADT vet Dan Choi went to Moscow to protest the Pride Ban (with video). More also from Queerty. As we enter Pride month, let’s remember those for whom Pride is still a Stonewall fight against the authorities.

Old Navy Pride t-shirtOld Navy + It Gets Better Team Up For Gay Pride T-Shirts (Unicorn Booty, 5/26/2011). Pride goes retail! In an unprecedented move by any major retailer, Old Navy is releasing a line of gay pride t-shirts this summer which will be available in all of its 1,035 locations — including stores in Fairbanks and Anchorage. 10% of proceeds from the Old Navy Pride line will go towards the It Gets Better Project. Read more at Moxie Bird, and like Old Navy’s Facebook page and let them know you appreciate their support of Pride and the It Gets Better Project! There’s already lots of comments from people around the country (including Bent!) thanking them.


Inaugural LGBT Congressional Internship Program Selects Six College Students (Victory Fund, May 25, 2011). Yes. We now have a congressional internship program!


NYC Hospitals Adopt LGBT Competency Training (Advocate, 5/25/11). “The New York City Health and Hospitals Corp., the nation’s largest urban health care agency, serving 1.3 million patients, will adopt cultural competency training for staff members to help improve the health of LGBT people.”

States Cut HIV Programs As Studies Show Increased Effectiveness Of Drugs In Controlling Virus (Wonk Room, 5/26/11). Not the best news, as Zack Ford reports that states are cutting budgets to treat HIV patients, despite a recent study showing that immediately starting patients on mediation helps control virus spread. “The cuts also,” Ford writes, “reflect a misguided public perception that the AIDS epidemic is under control.”

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="168" caption="Fox News chair Roger Ailes: In his case, "homophobe" means literally SCARED. Photo via Wikimedia Commons."]Fox News chair Roger Ailes: In his case, "homophobe" means literally SCARED[/caption]Media

Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes feared being bombed by ‘those gays’ (Raw Story, 5/25/11). “Homophobia” literally means “fear of homosexuals.” And wow. Here we have its very personification: Ailes went so far as to have bomb-proof glass installed in his office out of fear that gay activists would attack him. So which came first: his antigay douchiness, or his fear? Ailes is being profiled in Rolling Stone.

Transgender equality

Sandoval signs transgender job discrimination bill (Las Vegas Review-Journal, 5/24/11). Gov. Brian Sandoval of Nevada signed a law making it illegal to discriminate in employment, housing, and public accommodations on the basis of gender identity. The law goes into effect in Nevada on October 1.

Transgendered widow loses battle over firefighter husband’s death benefits (KTRK Channel 13 News, Houston, 5/25/11). Nikki Araguz’s marriage to her husband was declared null and void. The case turned in part on the timing of Araguz’ reassignment surgery and change of gender on her driver’s license.The firefighter’s mother and previous wife seek control over the firefighter’s death benefits and assets totaling more than $600,000, which they want to have go to the firefighter’s children. Araguz plans an appeal.

Stories from our lives

Chinese actress Ting Hao in dragLGBT Stories: Dustin Lance Black Comes Out To College Roommate With Manuscript And Bar Of Soap (Towelroad, 5/24/2011; includes video). Remember when “I’m From Driftwood” came to Alaska last fall? Dustin Lance Black, screenwriter for “Milk,” shared his coming out story on IFD.

On the lighter side….

Hao Hot: Vintage Male Impersonator (Bilerico, 5/25/211). Gloria Brame at Bilerico writes: “A stunning photo of vintage Chinese actress Ting Hao in perfectly tailored drag.” She’s not the only one who finds this drag photo hot!

“Don’t Say Gay” …Or Anything Else (The Full Ginsburg, 5/25/11). The Guarding America’s Youth Coalition has suggestions for more words not to say besides that one word that you’re supposed to replace with “Takei” (at least if you live in Tennessee.) Watch!

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