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Speak out for the hate crimes bill

Submitted by on Wednesday, 13 April 2011 – 2:19 AMNo Comment

Nobody should have to go through what happened to Cody: coming out gay only to be rejected, bullied and even assaulted – which is bad enough – and then the police let the attacker go free after only one night in jail, with no further investigation or charges, free to attack again.

Senator Bettye Davis introduced a state hate crimes law this year that includes LGBT Alaskans. It was considered and approved by the Judiciary Committee, and sent to Finance. But a second hearing was not scheduled, although all of the documents that were requested were delivered.

It’s time for the Finance Committee to hold a hearing on SB 11, the Alaska Hate Crimes bill. How do we get them to schedule a hearing and vote? You know the answer to that: We contact them. All of us.

Fred Traber of Anchorage wrote to the legislators in support of SB 11. He told the Finance Committee:

“With less than three weeks left in the session, thousands of constituents around the state are concerned about the fate of SB 11, the Hate Crimes Bill.

Two weeks ago in Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations Human Rights Council issued a joint statement co-sponsored by 85 countries – YES – 85 countries – calling for “Ending Acts of Violence and Related Human Rights Violations Based On Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity.”

And SB 11, the Alaska Hate Crimes Bill, has been held in the Senate Finance Committee since February 28.

Is there support for SB 11? Are your fellow legislators so much busier than the delegates from those 85 countries that they can’t find time for SB 11? Or don’t they care? Or maybe issues like the personalized pro-life license plates and designating the pre-1964 Winchester Model 70 caliber .30-06 caliber rifle as Alaska’s state gun are just more popular issues. Or is there another agenda here?”

Go, Fred!

Traber also notes that “SB 11 is one of the least complicated, non-financial issues before the legislature this year.”

Senator Ellis is the only committee member who replied:

“I am a cosponsor and have requested movement on the bill, as has the prime sponsor [Senator Davis]. I will continue to push. More Alaskans need to speak out for hate crimes bills to pass.” [emphasis mine]

It’s your turn to speak out.

Please contact the senators today and tell them to approve SB 11, the Alaska Hate Crimes bill.

Don’t let what happened to Cody – or worse – happen to other LGBT Alaskans.

– Thanks to Fred for being an active citizen and sharing his letter with us.

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