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Pentagon’s DADT spouse survey & letters from same sex partners

Submitted by on Tuesday, 24 August 2010 – 11:52 PMNo Comment
Following the biased DADT survey sent to members of the military in July and returned by less than 30% of those asked, the Pentagon has now sent 150,000 new surveys to the straight spouses of service members asking how their lives might be effected by serving with open gays and lesbians. Who will be surveyed next – their children, neighbors and pets?
The irony is that the people who carry the real burden of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy – the gay and lesbian service members, their same sex partners and family members – cannot be included without outing themselves and their loved ones and getting fired.
So each morning, SLDN is posting letters from family members and spouses of former service members impacted by DADT: “As the Pentagon sends 150,000 surveys to the heterosexual spouses of service members this week, we will continue to tell the stories of families that have felt the injustice of this terrible law. The Pentagon needs to hear the stories of ALL military families now.”
The first letter is written by Lynne Kennedy, partner to Capt. Joan Darrah, U.S. Navy (Ret.). They have been together for 20 years this December.

Dear General Ham and Mr. Johnson:

In 1990 – while working as a reference librarian at the Library of Congress — I met Joan Darrah, an active duty Naval Officer. I already knew about “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” but I soon woke up to the harsh reality that loved ones of gay and lesbian family members are forced to serve in silence, too.

Over the years, Joan had adjusted to living two lives — in the closet at work and out after hours. For me, it was a bit of an adjustment as I had been fortunate to work for an employer who valued my skills and expertise and realized that my being a lesbian in no way detracted from my ability to do a great job.

I knew that Joan could be deployed at any moment. She may be away from home for two or three years. I realized that being with an active duty military officer was even more constricting than I could have possibly imagined and I worried constantly about Joan’s well being. Yet, through it all, I knew our relationship was worth the compromises. I knew we had to make it work for Joan to continue to serve our Country.

There were so many things that we had to be careful about. For example, Joan had asked that I not call her at work unless it was truly an emergency. When we were out in public if Joan saw someone from work, I learned to “disappear,” until Joan’s co-worker moved on. We didn’t dare go to nice restaurants on Valentine’s Day or even Saturday nights. We could not show any familiarity while out in public. I went to parties at colleagues’ homes alone lest a guest I didn’t know learn that Joan was in the Navy.

The events of September 11, 2001, caused us both appreciate more fully the true impact of DADT on our lives and the reality of our mutual sacrifices. At 8:30 a.m. that morning, Joan went to a meeting in the Pentagon. At 9:30 a.m., she left that meeting. At 9:37 a.m., the plane flew into the Pentagon and destroyed the exact space that Joan had left less than eight minutes earlier, killing seven of her colleagues.

In the days and weeks that followed, Joan went to several funerals and memorial services for her co-workers who had been killed. Most people attended these services with their spouses whose support was critical at this difficult time, yet Joan was forced to go alone, even though I really wanted to be with her to provide support.

As the numbness began to wear off, it hit me how incredibly alone I would have been had Joan been killed. The military is known for how it pulls together and helps people; we talk of the “military family,” which is a way of saying we always look after each other, especially in times of need. But, none of that support would have been available for me, because under DADT, I didn’t exist.

In fact, I would have been one of the last people to know had Joan been killed, because nowhere in her paperwork or emergency contact information had Joan dared to list my name.

Whenever I hear Joan recount the events of that day, I relive it and realize all over again how devastated I would have been had she been killed. I also think of the partners of service members injured or killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. They are unable to get any support from the military and they must be careful about the amount of support they offer to their closeted service member loved ones.

The events of September 11th caused us to stop and reassess exactly what was most important in our lives. During that process, we realized that this discriminatory law was causing us to make a much bigger sacrifice than either of us had ever admitted.

Eight months later, in June 2002, Joan retired from the U.S. Navy, and I retired from the Library of Congress. If it wasn’t for DADT, we might both still be serving in our respective positions.
The second letter is from the mother of a former army sergeant fired because of DADT, and the third letter is by a retired military sailor whose partner was fired because of DADT.
Visit the SLDN blog Frontlines to read those letters, and return on Thursday and Friday for the next letters.
SLDN is also urging supporters of repeal to call, write, and schedule meetings with their senators as the defense budget, which contains the repeal amendment, moves to the floor. Alaska’s Senator Begich supports the repeal, but Sen. Murkowski has avoided the issue in the months leading up to yesterday’s primary election. Will she be more likely to support the repeal of DADT if she wins the party nomination, or if she loses it? (As of this writing, she is behind, but the race is too close to call.)