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Maddow: Amtrak’s gay ads upset Family Council

Submitted by on Saturday, 7 August 2010 – 5:27 PM3 Comments
Amtrak is planning a marketing campaign geared to the gay community, and that news has the Family Research Council in a tizzy, reports Rachel Maddow and Kent Jones in the ‘Trainbow’ episode.
(This happened before Prop 8 was overturned. Now the FRC has bigger things to whine about. But the segment is a good laugh after a week of serious news, and shows how petty they are.)
The Alaska Railroad is not part of Amtrak and not likely to make ads inviting gay and lesbian passengers to ride the rails through the Alaskan wilderness (although I’d love to see what they’d come up with…)
But we do have a local FRC-quoting group who would throw a tizzy fit if the Alaska RR did advertise to gays.
Watch Gays on a Train:

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