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Gay AK: Get ready for late summer and fall events

Submitted by on Wednesday, 11 August 2010 – 5:53 AMNo Comment
Gay AK is a semi-regular column with short news items and up-coming events for LGBT Alaska. This week, we have a variety of late summer and fall events in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau and the Mat-Su.

PFLAG Fairbanks has a booth at the Tanana Valley State Fair, which continues through August 14. The theme of the fair is “Barn in the USA.” Beverly designed an adorable PFLAG booth and Jenn did the art work (see photo). Stop by and say hello, or sign up for a shift and go to the fair free that day.
The LGBT Center in the Mat-Su Valley has closed due to a lack of volunteers and donations. However, the Wednesday Social continues at Vagabond Blues in Palmer at 5 p.m.
Juneau Pride Chorus begins rehearsing again on September 7, on Tuesday evenings 5:15 – 6:45 p.m. Potential new members are welcome to attend rehearsals. Email Juneau Pride Chorus for information.
Anchorage events
Come to a Meet & Greet at Bernie’s Bungalow on August 18, 5-7:30 p.m. to celebrate Alaska’s LGBT community and the 25th anniversary of Pride Foundation, a northwest organization that helps local LGBT projects and people through grants and scholarships. A 21+ event.
Northern Exposure 2010 is Alaska’s first educational SM and Leather convention, Aug 20-22. Three days of workshops, classes, parties and meals. Register at NE2010. (This is not specifically LGBT, but is a GLBT-friendly event.)
The gay and lesbian bowling league of Anchorage is getting ready to start another season. Our first league meeting is Sunday August 29 at Jewel Lake Bowl at 4 p.m., and our first day of bowling is September 12. Contact the Northern Exposure Bowling League.
The Imperial Court’s Coronation is traditionally held on Labor Day weekend, and Alaska Coronation 38 – “Kickin’ it old School…Back to our Roots” will be Sept. 2-6 in Anchorage. Visit the ICOAA for the schedule and tickets.
The annual Alaska Pride Conference is coming up: October 8-10 at Alaska Pacific University.
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