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Day of Decision on Prop H8 – Anchorage rally

Submitted by on Wednesday, 4 August 2010 – 10:31 AMNo Comment
The first federal Prop 8 ruling will be announced today, supposedly between 1-3 p.m. Pacific time, and equality rallies are being held tonight to celebrate or protest the decision in California and across the United States, including one in Alaska.
Anchorage Won’t Discriminate shared this message on Facebook: “Join us at The Day of Prop 8 Decision rally in front of Anchorage City Hall (in front of Kaladi’s) today starting at 5:30pm. Bring posters and bring your chants. Win, lose or tie, we stand in support of LGBT equality.”
Also bring rain gear.
Whatever Judge Walker decides, the ruling will probably be put on hold and appealed to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes Alaska in it’s jurisdiction, and eventually heard by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Today’s decision is important because it sets the legal foundation for those rulings, and determines the scope, factual findings, and level of scrutiny for the case.
Hopefully, Prop H8 will be overturned! Check back later today for the ruling.
This Prop 8 Day of Decision video set to the words of Dustin Lance Black, producer of MILK, lists a few of the rallies being held today, but the touching part is Black’s message:
