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Being LGBT in Juneau, 40 years apart

Submitted by on Wednesday, 7 July 2010 – 8:51 PMNo Comment

Sara Boesser, writer of the weekly News Roundup, and Lauren Tibbitts, leader of the JDHS Gay Straight Alliance, were interviewed on “Call Dr. E” on KTOO radio earlier this week. If you missed the live show, you can listen to “Being LGBT in Juneau” in the KTOO archive HERE.

The show should be very interesting: I’m just having my 40th high school reunion this weekend. The other guest, Lauren Tibbitts, just graduated this summer from the same Juneau high school I attended. I realized I was a lesbian while attending my high school; Lauren realized she was bisexual in the same high school 40 years later. The show will be reflections on some of the differences 40 years can make in the same town being a GLBT teenager.

Thanks to Sara and Lauren for sharing their perspectives as LGBT women in southeast Alaska, and to Dr. Elaine Schroeder for moderating the show.

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