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Rachel Maddow on George "Rentboy" Rekers

Submitted by on Saturday, 8 May 2010 – 12:23 PM3 Comments

George Rekers is the co-founder of the Family Research Council and is paid to convince school districts and state courts that gays can be cured. He is also secretly gay, as we learned in this week’s “Rentboy” scandal. Rachel Maddow explains:

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Hmm. “When people have built their careers, their professions, on professions of their own sexual moral rectitude – David Vitter, John Ensign – when people have built their careers on trying to make life miserable and dangerous for gay people while they themselves are secretly gay – Larry Craig, George Rekers – then congratulations, you’ve made the news!”

Makes me wonder which Alaskans who have built their careers on making life miserable for gay people might be secretly gay…

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