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Ann Reed, Brandi Carlile, Gay Art, Travel & Clean-up

Submitted by on Saturday, 1 May 2010 – 5:27 AMNo Comment
Gay AK: News and Notes for LGBT Alaska

Ann Reed concert 5/22
Lesbian singer Ann Reed is coming back to Anchorage for a concert on Saturday May 22, at 7:30 pm in the Wilda Marston Theater at Loussac Library. Tickets are $22 in advance/ $25 at the door, order through the Ann Reed site or call 1-800-947-9180.
Brandi Carlile in Anchorage 7/16 and Fairbanks 7/15
Lesbian singer Brandi Carlile is coming right from the Lillith Fair to play two concerts in Alaska. July 15 at The Blue Loon in Fairbanks (tickets), and July 16 at the Discovery Theater in Anchorage (tickets.)
GLBT art entries sought by Out North
Out North Theater Gallery in Anchorage is looking for entries to add voice to an exhibit that showed in Soldotna in April. “Celebrate” is not a rant, but rather a celebration of the small steps forward the LGBT community has made recently. Contact Out North if you’d like to play a part. Opens May 21, runs for 5 weeks through Pride Month.
Get Out in Alaska
Want to explore our great state? The gay guides of Out in Alaska are organizing several excellent adventures this summer, including backpacking in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in June, rafting the Copper River (Chitina to Cordova) in July, and kayaking Kenai Fjords in August. Great discounts are available to locals. For more information visit Out in Alaska.
Rainbow Highway with PFLAG and SEAGLA 5/8
PFLAG and SEAGLA have collaborated for years to take care of the most beautiful 2 mile segment of highway in Juneau, right along Auke Lake. This year’s community cleanup is on Saturday, May 8. Bags and gloves are provided, please show up at 10 AM at the Auke Lake parking lot. Wear bright colored clothing so we can put a rainbow of color on the highway that morning. Contact SEAGLA for more info.