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A Day Against Religious Homophobia

Submitted by on Monday, 17 May 2010 – 3:25 PMOne Comment
Today, May 17, is International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, known as IDAHO, and the 2010 theme is “Religions, Homophobia, Transphobia”

Across the world, in many different social and cultural contexts, homophobic and transphobic violence is being propagated by people who use religious arguments to justify their positions.
But other voices do exist everywhere also within these same religions to object to the use of religions to justify hatred and rejection and sometimes even violence, crimes and bloodshed.
The objective of this campaign is to expose and oppose the negative impact of religious fundamentalist discourses and to give visibility and promotion to voices who are working for inclusion, tolerance and peace.
Join the voices that call upon religious leaders to stop fuelling homophobia and transphobia and to act for universal Human Rights for all people.
IDAHO is recognized around the world with conferences, marches, a Same-Sex Hand Holding Week, which was expanded from one day to one week to include both IDAHO and Harvey Milk’s birthday on Saturday…
We are asking people to find someone of the same gender, and hold their hand in public. It may be for only 1 min or for the whole week!
“Same-sex hand holding (Sshh!) is a silent revolution for LGBT people, because nothing needs to be said: no bold speeches, no reactive arguments, no war of words. Each LGBT person has the power to change the hearts and minds of people in their local community quietly, subtly, by simply holding hands publicly and owning their space. However, hand holding is a simple powerful gesture that can happen anywhere, at any time.”

Gay, straight, black, white — whatever they look like and whatever their political stripes are — as long as they believe in love and equality for ALL people everywhere, they joined us in the Great Global Kiss-in!

60 cities around the world joined the first Great Global Kiss-in this weekend, and more were planned for Monday. Watch this great video of hugging and kissing for equality:
