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SB 202, Pride events, CoC vendors, MCC cents & Student Advocates

Submitted by on Saturday, 20 March 2010 – 2:16 PMNo Comment
Gay AK: Notes from and for LGBT Alaska
SB 202 Adds Gender Identity
Good news: The Alaska Hate Crimes Bill (SB 202) passed out of the Senate Judiciary committee, with the gender amendment added. Senators French, Egan & Wielechowski voted with us, Senators McGuire & Coghill voted against. A new version of the bill will be posted with the amendments, and it may be referred to the Finance committee. Thank you for sending messages, POM’s and testimony to Judiciary, and stay tuned for the contact addresses for Finance members.
Seeking PrideFest events
Alaska PrideFest 2010 is encouraging all groups, in all Alaskan cities, to submit activities scheduled during Pride Week (June 19-27) for publication and promotion on the new Alaska PrideFest web site. Please send time, date, location and a brief description to Gail, PrideFest Planning Co-Chair. We are also seeking parade participants, park-strip vendors, stage entertainers and happy volunteers to help make “2010: A Pride Odyssey” an event to remember.
‘Masqueerade’ vendors, ads, tickets
RAW is calling for Celebration of Change vendors and program ads. Sell your wares: $25 for a table and $25 for a business card ad in the program. They are also looking for more fabulous volunteer crew members to help make this show a success. Celebration of Change is on March 27 at the Wilda Marston Theatre. Tickets are $15, available at Metro and the GLCCA. Volunteer application and vender/ad information at Celebration.
Search for MCC Anchorage
Your Internet searches can raise funds for MCC Anchorage. Go to Good Search and paste “Metropolitan Community Church of Anchorage” for the charity name (the 2nd box.) Then MCCA will get revenue for every search. The second option is to install a non-intrusive toolbar which appears on your web browser so you don’t need to change your homepage. It’s a great way for non-profits to make a bit of change.
Student Advocate of the Year
Do you know a high school student who should be recognized for advancing LGBT equality in his or her school or community? If so, nominate them to win GLSEN’s 2010 Student Advocate of the Year Award, presented by AT&T. The winner travels all-expenses-paid to New York City to attend GLSEN’s 2010 New York Respect Awards on 5/24, where his or her unique accomplishments as an exemplary student leader will be honored. Login and complete the nomination form by April 2 at the Student Advocate of the Year contest.
Alaska Women Speak summer issue
Alaska Women Speak Quarterly is a periodical by and for Alaska Women. We are looking for contributions of prose, poetry and art on the Summer 2010 theme of “My-topia.” You know what Utopia is, what’s your -topia? As always, we are in need of donations to keep the presses rolling. Send writings by 5/15 to Alaska Women Speak, and donations to AWS, PO Box 210045, Anchorage 99521. Thanks for your continued support.
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