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Prop 8 trial: pro-gay marriage republican mayor & live-blogging links

Submitted by on Tuesday, 19 January 2010 – 8:56 AMNo Comment
The court took a break in honor of Dr. King, and the trial resumes today with testimony from the Mayor of San Diego, a republican who supports gay marriage because he wants his lesbian daughter to be equal.
We may never see the actual trial, but a Los Angeles company is filming reenactments of the Prop. 8 trial using partial transcripts and first-hand accounts from bloggers. They hope to begin posting segments from the first week on Wednesday.
Live-blogging teams converged on San Francisco when the US Supreme Court blocked broadcast of the trial, and these amazing bloggers are typing hour after hour to keep the world informed of the proceedings.
Here are several good resources for live-blogging and analysis of the Prop 8 trial:
The Courage Campaign’s Prop 8 Tracker has a live-blogging team, and posts nightly summaries with commentary.
Bilerico‘s Davina Kotulski is live-blogging with occasional commentary.
The National Center for Lesbian Rights blog has good nightly reviews that are cross-posted on Pam’s House Blend.
FireDogLake has been live-blogging the trial since the first morning. This impressive set of transcripts is a great resource for the media and anyone who has time to read the whole thing.
Karen Ocamb is posting about the trial at LGBT POV, including reports from live-bloggers.
The American Foundation for Equal Rights posts a steady stream of Prop 8 news.
The San Jose Mercury News was live-blogging from the first day with short summaries in place of word for word transcripts.
The bloggers and non-profits work for donations, so please show your appreciation for their efforts. If you have another favorite site for Prop 8 trial news, please add it in the comments.