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Palin, McCain, Gay Marriage and CPAC

Submitted by on Thursday, 21 January 2010 – 7:14 PM2 Comments
Several bits of news converged this week connecting Sarah Palin, John McCain, gay marriage and republicans in a tangled web that may spell change in the GOP:

1. Cindy McCain, the former presidential hopeful’s wife, posed for a photo shoot with the NOH8 campaign against Prop 8 and in favor of gay marriage. Daughter Meghan already posed for the campaign. Senator McCain’s office released a statement saying that he continues to oppose marriage equality. He is running for re-election this year.
2. Sarah Palin endorsed McCain’s re-election campaign and agreed to stump for him. Palin may have a gay friend (what pageant girl doesn’t have a gay friend?) but she doesn’t support legal rights for gays. She opposes domestic partnerships, civil unions and marriage equality. Cindy McCain’s NOH8 photo shoot is not likely to improve Palin’s opinion of her.
3. Neither Palin nor McCain are speaking at CPAC, the annual conservative conference, but gay republicans are co-sponsoring the event. The anti-gay Liberty Counsel threatened to withdraw from CPAC because the organizers accepted sponsorship from GOProud, who would like to be friends with Sarah but would have better luck with Cindy and Meghan.
4. Palin did not speak at CPAC last year either, or rather, she was supposed to speak but didn’t attend. She said she never committed, CPAC said she did. The conference organizer accused Palin of “whining” after she backed out, which may explain why she isn’t going this year.
5. Other CPAC co-sponsors include the Alliance Defense Fund, the ultra-conservative legal team defending Prop 8 in the current federal trial, and NOM, a national group for straights-only marriage that produced those ridiculous Gathering Storm ads for Prop 8. They also ran the campaign that repealed marriage equality in Maine. These are the groups Palin appeals to, but she isn’t attending the conference. Instead, she’s speaking at a Tea Party shindig while gay republicans climb into bed with the anti-gay CPAC sponsors.
6. The federal court challenge on the legality of Prop 8 continued this week with the republican mayor of San Diego testifying in support of gay marriage because he wants his lesbian daughter to have a legally equal relationship with her lover, not a second class civil union or domestic partnership. Ted Olson, a top conservative lawyer and the former Solicitor General of the United States, is defending gay marriage.
7. GayPolitics posted a list of prominent republicans who support marriage equality, including Steve Schmidt, McCain’s chief strategist during his 2008 presidential run, and FOX News contributor Margaret Hoover, who announced her support for marriage equality last week in an op-ed titled, “Why I’m Joining the Fight for Marriage Equality.” Sarah Palin was hired by FOX the same week.
High profile republicans are coming out in support of gay marriage, even leading the way to marriage equality. Openly gay republicans are co-sponsoring conservative events. Even FOX has a pro-equality commentator. Perhaps mainstream republicans are trying to regain control of their party from the religious extremists by making support for gay marriage a moderate position.
Where will that leave Sarah Palin and her far right religious fans who refuse to accept the “gay marriage = individual liberty” memo? On the outer fringe, where they belong.