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Home » Anchorage, Anti-LGBT, Transgender Alaska, z

Denny’s update and Hater Quote of the Day

Submitted by on Friday, 29 January 2010 – 4:49 PM10 Comments

Denny’s received a pile of email about the local anti-trans incident reported by Anja on Tuesday, and leaders of the Anchorage LGBTA community are in contact with the manager/owner. Meanwhile, an anonymous hater left this comment on the Bent post:

you people need to face the facts, by people I mean gays, trans whatevers etc. You are not “normal” and though you are allowed to co-exist in our society it does not mean everyone has to accept your lifestyle. you all need to grow a thicker skin, remember the saying sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never harm me ? get off your politically correct high horse and shut up already

Note to Mayor Sullivan: Do you really think this hater will treat his neighbors, co-workers, clients, employees and renters fairly and equally – without discrimination – when he learns that they are gay or trans? FAIL
