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Bent Alaska’s Top 9 Posts for 2009

Submitted by on Tuesday, 29 December 2009 – 3:20 AM2 Comments

The ‘summer of hate’ against the non-discrimination ordinance was the real top story, but the most visited post on Bent Alaska is the humorous letter Wasilla Gays to Levi: We’re here with almost 7,000 hits.

The other Bent post that went viral this year, about Wayne Anthony Ross calling us degenerates, was crossposted on the national blog Pam’s House Blend. Likewise, the only ordinance post from Bent that got national attention, No Dead Queers, was picked up from the Blend diary.

Other top posts were on entertainment (gay man on The Alaska Experiment), homophobia (The Antichrist is Coming, and He’s Gay!), transgender (Kelly’s Story), and Sarah Palin. The lists of LGBT organizations and businesses were top posts again this year, perhaps because so many reporters want to interview queer Alaskans.

All of the top posts on LGBT issues in Fairbanks, Juneau and Homer involve students or schools, although that may be a coincidence. The top MatSu post is Levi, of course.

Top 9 in ’09

  1. Wasilla Gays to Levi: We’re here
  2. Palin’s AG Pick Called Gays “Degenerates”
  3. Where to find LGBT Alaska – Organizations
  4. Discovery Channel Discovers Gays on The Alaska Experiment
  5. No “Dead Queers” means No Discrimination
  6. Palin Supports Gay Rights? (still a top post in 2009)
  7. Kelly’s Story: A Transgender Christian Woman (unavailable, at her request, because her church leaders made her life miserable when they recognized her.)
  8. The Antichrist is Coming, and He’s Gay!
  9. Where to Find GLBT Alaska – Business List

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