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Transgender Day of Remembrance, Nov 20

Submitted by on Thursday, 19 November 2009 – 9:58 AMNo Comment
Friday is the 11th International Transgender Day of Remembrance and memorial events are held all over the world to recognize those who were killed during the previous year because of anti-transgender hate and violence.

Since last year’s event, 18 people are known to have been murdered because of their gender identity or gender expression. Many other transgender murders go unreported, and journalists often use the gender listed on police reports, based on biology instead of dress, personal letters or testimony from friends and family, which might tell a more complete story.
Although Transgender Day of Remembrance focuses on people who were murdered for having a non-traditional gender identity, it also brings to light a related tragedy: the high rate of suicide among transgender people.
Alaska has a large number of transgender men and women, and unfortunately we have known several community members who took their own lives, including two in Anchorage this summer.
Everyone is invited to join the Metropolitan Community Church Anchorage at the Sunday worship service on Nov. 22 at 2 p.m. to commemorate the lives of our transgender brothers and sisters who have been tragically lost at the hands of intolerance and hatred.
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