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Alaskans Together choosing Statewide Goals at Annual Meeting, Oct.11

Submitted by on Thursday, 8 October 2009 – 2:21 PMNo Comment
Alaskans Together for Equality, Inc. (ATE) is holding their 1st Annual Meeting on Sunday October 11 to plan the goals and direction of Alaska’s new and only statewide civil rights group focused on promoting the rights of LGBTQ people. ATE is also holding a pre-meeting social on Saturday evening at Kodiak Bar & Grill.
“We are happy to report that we outgrew our original meeting space,” writes Marsha Buck, Board President, “and will be holding our annual meeting in the Country Kitchen banquet room at 346 East 5th Avenue in Anchorage.” Participants will evaluate the ATE mission, identify critical issues, choose 3-5 goals for the year, and develop a plan to reach those goals.
“Cathy LeCompte, our experienced facilitator from Ketchikan, calls most of the day a ‘Facilitated Strategic Conversation.’ In addition to that conversation, we will be electing new board members and new board officers.”
Alaskans Together for Equality is seeking people from all across Alaska to serve on the Board of Directors. People from rural and urban Alaska who are interested in the challenge of doing advocacy in our state, committed to serving on a working Board, and motivated to increase civil rights for LGBT Alaskans are encouraged to contact Marsha Buck and attend the strategy meeting.
Alaskans Together, the group that led the fight against the April 2007 anti-gay advisory vote against same-sex partner benefits, reorganized as two new groups: Alaskans Together for Equality to lobby the state Legislature for equal rights for LGBT Alaskans, and Alaskans Together Foundation to educate the Alaskan public on the need for equal treatment and civil rights for LGBT Alaskans.
On Monday, Marsha and Dr. Mo Longworth were interviewed on KTOO’s “Juneau Afternoon” radio program, discussing the ATE annual meeting, the Alaska Pride Conference, the National Equality March in DC and the Anchorage support rally. Marsha is coming to Anchorage for this weekend’s LGBT events and Mo is going to DC to march with her wife.
“There’s five of us going from Alaska,” said Mo about the National Equality March. “We’ll be marching behind a dark blue banner with yellow lettering saying “Alaskans Together for Equality, Inc.” and the Big Dipper will be represented in every color of the rainbow, each star being a different color. You can look for us behind that banner, and anyone is welcome to join in.”
“The goal is that all 435 Congressional Districts will be represented and we will all descend on DC and our Congress members asking them to support legislation that effects us.” One of the bills is ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which was introduced in June and will be coming up for a vote soon. “Please contact our legislators from Alaska and ask them to support ENDA.”
Saturday, October 10
Pre-Annual Meeting Social/Informational, 5-7:30 p.m.
Complimentary Hor D’oeuvres and No-host bar
KODIAK BAR AND GRILL 225 E. 5th Avenue
Sunday, October 11
1ST Annual Membership Meeting, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Country Kitchen Banquet Room
346 E. 5th Avenue (next door to the GLCCA)
8:50 a.m. Gather for coffee, tea, bagels and lunch selection
9:00 a.m. Welcome – Introduction of participants and facilitator
–Why we exist, brief history, and accomplishments of the past year
9:30 a.m. Facilitated Strategic Conversation led by Cathy LeCompte
–Mission Statement Discussion – Do we all agree on the Mission Statement?
–Identification of Issues Facing the Organizations – What are the critical issues facing ATE? ATF?
–Setting Goals – What are the three to five goals we will aim to accomplish in this upcoming year?
–Implementation Plan – Who will be responsible for carrying out the agreed upon goals?
–Debrief – Did we accomplish what we set out to do? If not, what next?
12:00 p.m. Lunch while continuing with strategic conversation
1:30 p.m. Annual Board of Directors meeting with membership participation
–Presentation of potential new board members
–Board vote to accept new board members
2:00 p.m. Discussion and decision regarding conference calls for coming year
2:15 p.m. Presentation of potential Board officers for coming year
–Board vote on officers
–Brainstorm of fundraising ideas
–Wrap up and adjournment by 3:00 p.m.
If you are traveling to Anchorage for either the Alaskans Together for Equality annual meeting or the Alaska Pride Conference and need a place to stay, take advantage of a special lodging rate at the Copper Whale Inn.
For more information on Alaskans Together, visit: