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6 Things Alaskans Can Do This Week for LGBT Rights

Submitted by on Monday, 5 October 2009 – 7:31 PMNo Comment
The National Equality March (NEM) is Oct 10-11 in DC, and a group from Juneau will carry the Alaska banner in the march. Those of us who are not going to DC can also support the march and LGBT rights this weekend. How?

Equality Across America called this march to address the lack of federal rights and protections for LGBT people AND to build support for LGBT equality in all 435 congressional districts in the United States.
The goal of the National Equality March:
“to let our elected leaders know that now is the time for full equal rights for LGBT people. We will gather. We will march. And we will leave energized and empowered to do the work that needs to be done in every community across the nation.
“Our single demand: Equal protection in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states.”
Here is the National Equality March call to action video:

Alaska has only one congressional district, representing the whole state. Here are 6 things we can do this week in Alaska’s at-large congressional district to support the goals of the National Equality March:
1. Rally here when they rally in DC: Join the Anchorage support Rally for LGBT Equality! Anchorage is holding a support rally for the DC march, along the sidewalk in front of Loussac Library, 36th and Denali Street, on Saturday, Oct. 10 from 10 a.m. (the start time of the DC rally) until 6 p.m. (Everyone from the Alaska Pride Conference at APU can carpool a few blocks down 36th and join the rally when the conference ends at 3:30.) Rally for our rights!
2. Bring your ideas for national LGBT equality to the Alaskans Together for Equality annual strategy meeting! The 1st annual Alaskans Together for Equality meeting will develop plans for LGBT Alaskans and our allies in this congressional district to support our state and national rights, on Sunday, Oct 11, from 9a.m.-3p.m. in the Country Kitchen banquet room, 346 E. 5th Ave. (next door to the Gay & Lesbian Community Center.)
3. Meet Alaskans who support LGBT equality at the Alaskans Together social! Come to ATE’s social gathering with complimentary hors d’oeuvres and a no host bar, on Saturday Oct 10, at the Kodiak Bar & Grill, 225 E. 5th Avenue, from 5-7:30 p.m. (after the Pride Conference and National March support rally.)
4. Contribute to the Alaska banner for the National Equality March! The group representing Alaska is carrying a blue banner with gold letters saying “Alaskans Together for Equality” with nine rainbow stars showing the Big Dipper and North Star, a gay version of the Alaska state flag. They would appreciate donations from the community to cover the cost of the banner. Send to: SEAGLA, PO Box 21542, Juneau, AK 99802.
5. Come Out on National Coming Out Day! The march was called for this weekend because Oct 11 is National Coming Out Day. Wherever you live, have Conversations from the Heart about LGBT equality with your friends and family. A simple conversation can change lives.
6. Call Alaska’s Members of Congress to support LGBT Equality! Let our elected leaders know that we support the National Equality March and full GLBT equality under the law. Encourage them to support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which they will be voting on soon, the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and the repeal of the marriage ban known as DOMA. Contact Rep. Don Young, Senator Mark Begich and Senator Lisa Murkowski.
Spread the news about these events, and bring your friends and family members to support LGBT rights this weekend, right here in Alaska!
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