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Native Corp, Credit Union & other businesses support Ordinance 64

Submitted by on Friday, 14 August 2009 – 10:48 PMOne Comment
UPDATE: Alaska Airlines has asked to be removed from the list of supportive businesses.
The Anchorage business community supports the LGBT equal rights protections passed by the Assembly, Equality Works announced today, and the Alaska Native Corporation CIRI took a strong stand for equality.

The statement made by Jackie Buckley of Equality Works and supported by local business leaders reads:

“The Anchorage business community strongly supports AO 64. An open and diverse workplace fosters strong customer relations and a vibrant, expanding economy. Businesses have to recruit and retain the best and the brightest personnel. For us to succeed, Anchorage must protect everyone’s right to equal opportunity in employment, education, housing, financing, and public accommodations. We are pleased with the Assembly’s action and support including sexual orientation and gender identity in equal rights laws.”

Anchorage business leaders and small, mid-size, and large businesses joined in the statement:

Arctic Wire & Rope Supply, Cabin Fever, Circular, CIRI, Classic Woman/Portfolio, Copper Whale Inn, Credit Union One, Finite Technologies, Ginger, Middleway Café, Modern Dwellers, Quilted Raven, Snow City Café, Spenard Roadhouse, Sacks Café and Restaurant, Glenn Johnson, Chief Financial Officer & Executive Director of Finance, Alaska Airlines, and Mike Jens, owner, Hawk Consultants.

Many national businesses with locations in Anchorage understand the business benefit in ensuring lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender employees are not discriminated against. They include: Aetna, Allstate, American Airlines, Bank of America, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, BP America, Carrs-Safeway, Chevron, Chili’s Grill, Citigroup, Continental Airlines, Costco, Hilton Hotels, JC Penney Co., Merrill Lynch & Co., MetLife, Nordstrom, REI, Sears, Shell Oil Co., Staples, Starbucks, State Farm, Target, and Wells Fargo.
CIRI (Cook Inlet Region, Inc.) sent their own letter to Mayor Sullivan today, stating their support for the ordinance and asking that he allow it to become law. The CIRI letter, signed by Barbara Donatelli, Senior V.P. of Administration and Government Relations, is posted below with permission (emphasis is theirs, typing errors are mine.)
Dear Mayor Sullivan:
Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (“CIRI”) strongly supports Anchorage Ordinance 2009-64 (“AO-64”) that was recently passed by the Anchorage Assembly and encourages you to support anti-discrimination in our community by allowing the ordinance to pass.
CIRI strongly believes that all individuals deserve fair and equal employment opportunities, protection from unfair discrimination and the right to live their lives without fear. CIRI promotes fair and equal treatment within our own company through our Business Ethics and Compliance Program and our Code of Business Ethics and Compliance. Our policies provide “… equal employment to all persons regardless of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital and/or parental status.” These policies were developed to provide a clear and common understanding of CIRI’s values and the ethical expectations that we have for the conduct of our employees and business activities.
As a major employer in our community, CIRI takes pride in our reputation as a good corporate citizen as demonstrated by our own monetary and in-kind contributions and volunteer activities, as well as those of our many affiliated subsidiaries and non-profit entities.
As Mayor, you can take pride that AO-64 sends a clear message that our City protects the diversity we value so much and will not tolerate discrimination against individuals based upon their sexual orientation for employment, housing, education and public accommodation opportunities.
CIRI joins many other businesses and organizations in voicing our support for AO-64 and urges you to do the right thing by not exercising your veto power over AO-64.
Cook Inlet Region, Inc.
Bent Alaska applauds their stand for equality, and appreciates their willingness to support Ordinance 64 in a public letter. Although many national companies have LGBT-inclusive policies, it is significant that an Alaska Native Corporation like CIRI recognizes anti-gay discrimination as an ethical and business issue that is important to them.
Thank you to all the businesses that value us as part of the diverse workforce of Anchorage and have encouraged the Mayor to support Ordinance 64.
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