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Attend the Public Hearing: Tuesday, June 9 at Loussac Library

Submitted by on Tuesday, 9 June 2009 – 12:10 AM4 Comments
We need YOU to be at the public hearing on June 9th to show Assembly members that people in our town want lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Alaskans to be protected from discrimination! 
Where? Loussac Library, Assembly Chambers 1st Floor (36th & Denali) 
When? 5:00-11:00, but if you want to get a seat or you plan to testify, we recommend that you get there no later than 4:30. 
What to do? Wear blue—the color of peace and unity—and your Equality Works button. 
What if I can’t stay for the meeting? Get out your markers and paint to make a sign and show your solidarity outside the library for as long as you can stick around. 
Note on Hearing Conduct: This is an official meeting that must be conducted as fairly and impartially as possible. It is important that we conduct ourselves with respect and restraint, no matter how offensive the remarks we might hear coming from the other side. Please refrain from booing, name-calling, or otherwise mocking those who disagree with you. Also, we want to see hundreds of supportive signs outside Loussac library, but they will not be allowed inside the hearing room.  
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