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News Roundup on the Non-Discrimination Ordinance

Submitted by on Thursday, 14 May 2009 – 3:05 PM2 Comments
An ordinance to add sexual orientation to the Anchorage non-discrimination code was introduced at Tuesday’s Assembly meeting. The public hearing is set for June 9 at the Assembly Chambers in Loussac Library. Contact Equality Works to share your experiences of discrimination at the hearing, and donate to this important effort.
Local residents and news sources are spreading the word about the ordinance. Take a moment to read these stories and leave supportive comments:
  • Assemblymember Patrick Flynn blogged his reasons for supporting the measure and took a poll on the issue (still open in the right hand column.) 
  • The Anchorage Daily News article focused on opposition by Jerry Prevo of the Anchorage Baptist Temple, and was picked up by many newspapers and web sites.
  • Mel Green wrote on the introduction of the ordinance and on the reactions to the ADN piece. The pieces are posted on her personal blog Henkimaa and here on Bent Alaska, and the second piece was posted on Progressive Alaska.
  • Equality Works asks us to help end legal discrimination in Anchorage by writing to our Assembly members, sharing our experiences of discrimination at the June 9 hearing, and explaining to our friends and relatives that discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people is currently legal in Alaska.
  • KTVA Channel 11 interviewed Assemblymember Patrick Flynn, acting-mayor Matt Claman, Jerry Provo of ABT, and Mel Green, an ‘advocate against discrimination’ (and a Bent contributor.)
  • KTUU Channel 2 interviewed gay rights supporter Diana Wolfe, opponent Jim Minnery of the Alaska Family Council, and Assembly member Patrick Flynn.
  • The Anchorage Press article “Hello Culture War” spoke with Jeffrey Mittman of the ACLU of Alaska on the efforts to reach out to religious organizations and the problems with the ‘special rights’ argument.
  • The conservative Alaska Standard posted “Anchorage residents should be free to discriminate” by Dan Fagan, and audio clips with Connor, a gay 16 year old who argues for the right to marry, and Bruce, a landlord.
  • The Immoral Minority commented on the KTUU poll that asked if the Anchorage Assembly should pass an ordinance banning discrimination against homosexuals. (Results: Yes 52%, No 48%)
  • Celtic Diva’s Blue Oasis remembers the harassment experienced by straight allies who fought for a similar ordinance passed by the Assembly in 1992 but overturned by a newly elected Assembly in ’93. She promises to stand by us again and hopes “that we’ve grown as a city since then.” 
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