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Fairbanks NSB school board vs. PTA president on gender identity

Submitted by on Wednesday, 11 February 2009 – 4:20 PMNo Comment

In a first for Alaska, the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District is set to add gender identity to its non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies — over the objections of the PTA president of the school that asked for advice on the policy.

Four members of the Fairbanks community spoke in favor of adding gender identity to the protected groups, and all four of the school board members present voted for it during last week’s meeting. The only opponent came thirty minutes too late to testify.

In an odd twist, that opponent is the West Valley PTA President Viletta Knight. West Valley High School asked the school board to take up the issue because a student there will soon be transitioning.

Madam PTA Pres. is likely to return for the next reading, with more opponents who heard the radio broadcast of the meeting or read about it in the newspaper. The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner carried a front page story, and the heated discussion in the comments continued for six days.

In November, the school board’s Policy Review Committee recommended adding gender identity to all six non-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. A majority of the board members supported it at the first reading.

Will they do what is right to protect this student, and make history in Alaska, or will they bow to pressure from the opposition?

The final reading of the policy change is scheduled for Feb. 17, promptly at 7 p.m. If you’re in Fairbanks, go to the meeting and tell them why you support adding gender identity to the list of protections.

If you’re in Anchorage, Juneau or elsewhere, email the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District today. Thank them for recognizing the safety of trans and gender non-conforming students, and encourage them to follow through on their good intentions to add gender identity to the district policies.

Do you have personal experience of high school discrimination based on gender identity? Your testimony could make the difference.


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