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The “Milk” Challenge

Submitted by on Thursday, 11 December 2008 – 2:20 PM4 Comments

The movie Milk opens tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 12) in Anchorage, showing at 1:40, 4:35, 7:35 and 10:30 p.m. at the Century 16, across from Loussac Library. The message of Milk is timely, and the reviews sound great. (Watch the Milk trailer.)

Here’s the problem: We want to support a good-quality gay movie (and encourage the production of more gay movies) but don’t want to support the Mormon-owned Century/Cinemark whose CEO donated $9,999 to Prop 8, the California initiative that eliminated gay and lesbian marriage.

The solution: Boycott Century’s concessions! Eat before you go and only buy the ticket, no food or drinks.

Theaters don’t make much on admissions; most of their profit is from concessions. We can support the film and still deprive the theater of revenue.

Several people wrote in about the concessions boycott (thank you!) Jason suggested that we “sneak in our own candy” as an extra dig at Century.

Elias suggested that we offset the ticket fees to Century with a donation to Alaskans Together for Equality, the state LGBT rights group that takes on political issues like the ones Harvey Milk fought for. It’s a great way to support equal rights and, at the same time, withhold money from those who work against us!

Take the Milk Challenge: See Milk, and balance your political karma with a donation to Alaskans Together.

And Milk is the perfect time to start wearing a White Knot for marriage equality, “because everyone should be able to tie the knot.”

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