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Right-wing Pastor Invited to Bless Obama’s Inauguration

Submitted by on Thursday, 18 December 2008 – 5:28 PM2 Comments
President-Elect Barack Obama chose Rick Warren, an ultra-conservative pastor who is anti-gay and anti-choice, to give the invocation at his inauguration in January. 
Why? Because he wants to include all voices, all Americans. 
So which LGBT leader was invited to participate the inauguration to represent our inclusion? No one. 
No openly-gay leader was given a role in the ceremony. We are represented by . . . a GLBT marching band during the entertainment. 
Which leads to the next item:
Protest for Equality
Barack Obama made promises to the LGBT community. He promised to help:
repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 
repeal the anti-gay military policy Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, 
strengthen Hate Crimes Legislation, and 
pass a fully inclusive Federal ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act.) 
Another national Join the Impact protest is scheduled for Saturday, Jan 10, 2009, to make our voices heard and remind him of his commitments. 
I heard from a few Alaskans who said “Let’s Do It.” Are you with us?