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National Protest Against Prop 8 on Nov. 15

Submitted by on Monday, 10 November 2008 – 3:07 PM8 Comments
The birth of a new gay rights movement — the civil rights movement of the 21st Century — is unfolding before our eyes.

Join the Impact
If you’ve been watching our brothers and sisters protesting the passage of Prop 8 in California wishing that there was something you could do to help, there is: a group called Join The Impact is planning a nationwide protest against Prop 8, organizing simultaneous rallies on the steps of City Halls all over the country from Mobile, Alabama to Laramie, Wyoming on Saturday, November 15th at 10:30 a.m. PST/1:30 p.m. EST.
This protest is being held to rally against the passage of Prop 8, along with Arizona’s Prop 102 and Florida’s Prop 2, both of which banned gay marriage, and the Arkansas Adoption Ban, which prevents unwed couples (and therefore gay and lesbian couples) from adopting children.
Visit to find the protest nearest you. If you don’t see your city listed, round up a few friends to serve as organizers, and ask the group to add it to the list. 
** No one is coordinating a protest in Alaska yet. Do you want to join this national event?**
Citing the Stonewall Riots of 1969, which marked the birth of the gay rights movement, Join The Impact urges us all to come together again to show the nation that we are “one loud voice that needs to be heard.”
“It’s time we come together for debate, for public recognition, and for love! Let’s move as one full unit, on the same day, at the same hour, and let’s show the United States of America that we too are DESERVING OF FULL EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW!”

Repeal Prop 8

Movements are visceral and popular, often borne of outrage and anger. What we are witnessing on the streets and online is a community of people who have come together to say: “These are our lives. This is our time. This is unacceptable.” Organized from the bottom-up by thousands of ordinary people, this people-powered phenomenon is exponentially growing by the minute, online and offline.
This is our moment to stand strong together — gay and straight — and say that we refuse to accept a California where discrimination is enshrined in our state constitution. Sign the Courage Campaign’s pledge to repeal Prop 8 and help restore marriage equality to California.