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Westboro to Picket Fairbanks Funeral

Submitted by on Thursday, 23 October 2008 – 10:14 PMNo Comment
UPDATE: Here is an update from the Alaska Patriot Guard:
“I want to thank you all for showing up to the Memorial, in spite of the cold weather, nasty wind and lack of sunshine. The 22 people in Fairbanks who took time out of their busy day to help with the Memorial and show Respect for the family of this Marine – you have my respect and admiration. 
“Please, continue to Stand with me when a Citizen falls, if there may be a next time. You will never forget it, nor will you feel sorry for Standing there for the Families. God Bless You All.”
The Westboro Baptist Church – the extremists at GodHatesFags (dot) com – announced that they will be in Fairbanks to picket the memorial service for Cpl. Jason A. Karella, 20, of Anchorage, who died in Afghanistan on Oct. 9. 
The memorial is at Fairhill Community Church (101 City Lights Blvd., Fairbanks) on Friday Oct. 24 at 4 p.m. 
The Westboro news release says: “God Hates America, and God is killing our troops in His wrath. Thank God for IEDs” and “These soldiers are dying for the homosexual and other sins of America.” (The full statement is on their web site under Press Releases.)
Some in the Fairbanks LGBT community will be there “to peacefully stand against intolerance” in case Westboro members show up to picket.
The Patriot Guard will also be there to “shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors,” according to their mission statement.
“WB did not show at the funeral in Anchorage [on Saturday] and they probably won’t show in Fairbanks. But better safe then sorry,” said Christine Mahnken, the AK State Captain. “Anyone can join us and stand in a line with a flag, as long as they respect the grieving family. Wear WARM clothes!” 
See the Patriot Guard forum page for details.