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Ask Gov. Palin to Reconsider our NCOD Proclamation

Submitted by on Thursday, 9 October 2008 – 8:54 PMNo Comment
Gay Alaskans petitioned Gov. Sarah Palin to sign a proclamation for National Coming Out Day on October 11, but yesterday her office rejected the chance to support us. You can see the NCOD Proclamation here.
This is the note sent to Tim Stallard of Alaskans Together for Equality:
Dear Tim,
Thank you for requesting a proclamation designating October 11 as “National Coming Out Day.” Unfortunately, your request cannot be granted at this time. If you have any questions please contact the Governor’s Office at (907) 465-3500.
Again, thank you for writing and best wishes to you.
Best regards,
Jessalynn Rintala
Coordinator for Constituent Relations
Office of Governor Sarah Palin
Tim issued this call to action in response to the rejection:
The Governor’s office denied our request for the National Coming Out Day Proclamation. This was disappointing given Palin’s recent message of “Tolerance” during the VP candidates’ debate.
Please call or email to express your disappointment that Gov. Palin is not proving her “tolerance” and basic respect for gay Alaskans by signing our National Coming Out Day proclamation (which would not cost the state any money or change any state law).
The more calls they receive the louder our voice (the squeaky wheel gets the grease) and the more power they see in our (the LGBT and allies) community. Of course Power equals Respect – and we deserve that!
Gov. Palin can still reconsider signing our proclamation. I suggest calling and emailing the general number and email:
Phone: 907-465-3500 
Here is Tim’s suggested email to the Governor:
Dear Governor Palin,
I was disappointed to learn that you have refused to sign Alaskans Together for Equality’s proclamation for National Coming Out Day. You have told us that you have gay friends and I appreciated your desire to voice your ‘tolerance’ for gay Americans during the Vice Presidential candidates’ debate last week.
Our proclamation would not cost the state any money nor make any changes in state law. But the symbolism of this action – rejection – in this case is (unfortunately) meaningful.
I am saddened that you have declined this opportunity to demonstrate your tolerance and basic acceptance for gay Alaskans – including your dear friends. I hope you will reconsider.
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
Here is the suggested message to Gov. Palin from HRC, sponsors of National Coming Out Day:
Dear Governor Palin,
I write as an Alaskan who believes that everyone in our great state is entitled to basic dignity and respect. As you may know, October 11, 2008 is National Coming Out Day. This is a day that has been celebrated for more than 20 years, and it is an opportunity to recognize that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people are our friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, and fellow church-goers. LGBT people are Alaskans, they are Americans, and they make important contributions, every day, to our communities, our state, and our country.
In this spirit of understanding and respect, I urge you to sign the proclamation drafted by Alaskans Together for Equality, proclaiming October 11, 2008 as National Coming Out Day. I have learned that, so far, you are refusing to take this important action. I hope that you will reconsider. Signing the proclamation would not cost the state any money and it would not make any changes to state law, but it would send a clear, and much-needed, message of inclusion.
Please sign the proclamation and tell LGBT Alaskans that they, too, are full-fledged members of our state.
[Your Name]
[Your address]