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Truth Wins Out Exposes "Ex-Gay" Myths and Asks "Where Does Palin Stand?"

Submitted by on Tuesday, 9 September 2008 – 2:03 AMNo Comment
Wayne Besen, Executive Director of Truth Wins Out, is in Anchorage this week to expose the myths behind the “ex-gay” Love Won Out conference held at Abbott Loop and supported by Sarah Palin’s church. 

Wasilla Bible Church, where the Palin’s worship, advertised the upcoming Focus on the Family conference on curing homosexuality. (See the AP article Palin church promotes converting gays.)

“We are deeply concerned that Sarah Palin may share the extreme and medically unsound view that gay and lesbian people can and should be cured,” said Wayne Besen. “We call on Palin to express her views on this issue so we have a clear idea of where she stands. We hope this is an area where she disagrees with her church.”

On Thursday, Sept 11, Metropolitan Community Church of Anchorage is hosting an Ecumenical seminar called “God Loves You Just as You Are.” The seminar’s main focus will be to assure parents of gay and lesbian adolescents and adults, and the gay persons themselves, that God loves them just as they are. 

MCC is an inclusive church with a special outreach for the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered community and our straight allies.

Four local clergy will share their denominations’ stand on homosexuality. Speakers also include representatives from the National Association of Social Workers Alaska Chapter, the Alaska Counseling Association, and a school psychologist. The main presentation is by Besen, author of “Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the ‘Ex-Gay’ Myth.”

Besen’s Truth Wins Out is a non-profit organization that aims to end the dangerous practice of ex-gay therapy in all of its forms.

The workshops and keynotes at Love Won Out involve so-called “experts on homosexuality” lecturing on family dynamics that might ’cause’ homosexuality, the need to suppress same-sex attractions, and the importance of opposing gay rights.

“Love Won Out distorts gay life and conflates stereotypes with science, while selling false hope to vulnerable people,” said Besen. “We are looking forward to working with Alaskan groups to counter Focus on the Family’s false and destructive messages.”