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Court crowns Emperor and Empress, gives awards and scholarships at Coronation

Submitted by on Saturday, 27 September 2008 – 1:45 PMNo Comment

Mike Bartels of Fairbanks and Paula Butner of Anchorage were crowned at Coronation 2008 as the new Emperor and Empress of the Imperial Court of All Alaska (ICOAA). The Court also announced the winners of five annual awards, and the recipients of the scholarship program.

A total of $60,000 was granted to the 25 scholarship recipients for 2008.

The Scholarship Awards are based on economic need, scholastic achievement, leadership ability and contributions to the Lesbian/Gay community, with preference given to members of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and allied (GLBTA) community.

The Imperial Court’s five annual community service awards are given to individuals and businesses in Alaska’s GLBTA community.

Chosen by the College of Emperors and Empresses:

The Raymond Jorgenson Community Service Award to a group/business went to Bent Alaska

Raymond Jorgenson worked tirelessly for many years on behalf of the GLBTA community of Alaska and the Imperial Court. He was a founding member of every GLBT organization that existed during his day and espoused that it was only through our combined efforts that Alaska’s community could grow stronger. In his honor, the College chooses an organization, group, or business award each year to recognize their outstanding works on behalf of our community.

The C Wayne Hussey Community Service Award to an Individual went to Mr. Gay Alaska Kevin Holtz

C Wayne Hussey was the first Elected Empress of All Alaska and a founder of the Imperial Court of All Alaska. This award is presented annually by the College in recognition of an individual’s outstanding contributions to the community.

Elected by the Fairbanks Community:

The Rochelle DeLite Fairbanks Community Service Award went to College Floral owned by Michael Bartels

Rochelle DeLite served the Fairbanks Community and Imperial Court throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s as a driving force to keep both the Duchy of Fairbanks and the community together. In her memory, the GLBTA community of Fairbanks elects a recipient each year for their outstanding contributions to the Fairbanks Community.

Elected by Alaska’s LGBT Community during voting for Emperor and Empress:

The Peter Dispirito Award for Community Service went to Allie Hernandez.

An outspoken member of the community, Peter was very active in all GLBTA Community affairs. He was instrumental in opening the first gay bar in Alaska, was one of the founding members of the Imperial Court of All Alaska, one of the foremost members of the gay social scene and was loved by all who knew him. He was murdered in 1973. His murderer was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to a mere 2 ½ years in prison. After serving only several months, he was released on parole. The murder and subsequent light treatment of the murderer only served to unite the Gay community and sparked the first real Gay Community activism in Alaska. To honor his memory past recipients, the board of directors of the ICOAA, and the College all place nominations on the ballot at the time of voting for Emperor and Empress… the community then elects the recipient of the award for their contributions to the advancement of the GLBTA Community in Alaska.

Chosen by the reigning Emperor and Empress and given to persons under the age of 21:

The Shante’ Youth Volunteer Service Award went to Paul O’Leary & Ashley Earll.

This award is given in memory of Shante’, for her outstanding contributions to the community. Our Hawaiian Princess worked closely and tirelessly with the GLBT youth of Anchorage to further acceptance among their peers and a more cohesive bond between them and the broader GLBT community. Also as a teacher of her Native dance to other young people, she brought them into our community as allies, helping foster new lasting friendships and understanding in the Anchorage community at large.

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