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Your words: Comments on responding to the “ex-gays”

Submitted by on Thursday, 14 August 2008 – 2:43 PMNo Comment

I got mail! Here is a sample of comments from the Anchorage GLBT community on how we should respond when the “ex-gay” circus comes to town:

Sigh. Don’t give them the time of day. We survived Phelps in town, this too will soon be forgotten. On second thought, we should protest it. So some gays who feel bad about themselves don’t get pulled into another cult… ~ Michael

I’m on the ‘educational forum with media involvement’ front. I watched the video on Celtic Diva’s site on the protestors in Orlando and that has made me think more about what a peaceful protest might bring – the opportunity for the young people and their parents who are in turmoil to see that other folks out there are just like them and they are happy, successful individuals. I was also thinking that some sort of panel discussion might be beneficial. Perhaps 4 or 5 GLBT or GLBT-friendly folks who are willing to talk about being gay or having a child who is gay. Not recruiting, but giving the facts. I don’t really know what to do, I just know that this will harm so many kids and adults, and I want to help prevent that. ~ Lori

I strongly feel that the showing of the films and the education of the media are both great ideas, however, only those who are already supportive of the LGBT community will participate. I do not feel that these methods will be most effective singularly. I feel strongly that a protest is in order to raise attention followed by a forum to educate the public. The two ideas combined together would be much more productive than one in and of itself. Thank you for your time and your continued effort to unite our community. ~ Jessica

I think it’s best not to give the Ex-Gay Movement any free press unless they get so much publicity that it becomes necessary for people within the LGBT movement to respond. So far, I haven’t seen any kind of press coverage besides announcements. And as long as it’s this quiet, I’d rather people not know they’re in town. Any big action on our part will certainly give them more attention than they deserve. ~ (name withheld)

What about some couples actually going to the conference and/or church service and holding hands, putting our arms around each other, kissing. You know, like a happy gay couple. We wouldn’t even have to say a thing. It wouldn’t even have to be actual couples–just people who could act like couples. Just an idea. I have always wanted to go to Prevo’s church with my boyfriend and kiss during the sermon! ~ Peter

I strongly recommend that we not protest outside the Abbot Loop church. I appreciated what was done several years ago when another anti-gay group chose to protest MCC. Several LGBT-welcoming church groups went from church to church to show their solidarity for MCC. I don’t believe we should protest Abbot Loop because it is a house of worship… We should be the better, stronger folk and refrain from stooping to the level of those who seek to harm our community. Organize another multi-denominational protest among the gay and lesbian friendly churches, and invite the media to follow as members travel from church service to church service in support of LGBT people, our friends, and relatives. This will steal the thunder from those who twist the words of Christ to suit their own fear-driven, money-focused, war-happy agenda. ~ Jeanette
