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Challenging the “ex-gay” lies: How will we respond?

Submitted by on Wednesday, 6 August 2008 – 1:03 AM6 Comments

The controversial evangelical groups Focus on the Family and Exodus International are targeting Anchorage for their next “Ex-Gay” Conference on September 13. Their “ministry” is teaching gays and lesbians how to ‘pray away the gay.’ They use harmful and ineffective therapies on young adults struggling with same-sex attractions, and convince religious parents that their gay kids can become heterosexual and be saved.

The conference is also designed to show religious conservatives how to oppose LGBT civil rights without sounding like haters, and to swamp the local media with fake science and outright lies that support a homophobic political agenda. Read more about the conference sessions and goals.

So, how will Alaska’s LGBT communities and allies respond: ignore them? protest? hold counter-events?

Here is a list of recent actions taken by other communities, ideas from organizations that challenge the “ex-gay” myths, and suggestions for connecting our actions with larger events that are happening at the same time:

  • PFLAG Florida held a silent protest at the Love Won Out “Ex-Gay” Conference in Orlando on June 7. Watch the moving PFLAG video of the parents sharing their reasons for joining the protest.
  • Equality Asheville and a coalition of state and local organizations held a week of events with the theme “You’re Fine Just the Way You Are” to counteract the Exodus International conference in North Carolina, July 15-20. Two Unitarian Universalist Churches and the public library showed the films “For the Bible Tells Me So” and “Fish Can’t Fly” followed by discussions led by pastors. On Saturday, PFLAG hosted a Real-Families Picnic.
  • The kickoff event in Asheville was a presentation on Challenging the “Ex-Gay” Theory by Wayne Besen, Director of Truth Wins Out and author of “Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth.” Besen, a nationally known expert exposing “the Big Lie” of ex-gay programs, has been on every program from CNN to the Daily Show and has agreed to bring his presentation to Anchorage.
  • Besen can also help organize an educational forum or press conference with experts on the ex-gay myth, affirming pastors who talk about homosexuality and the Bible, parents who unconditionally accept their GLBT children, and former “ex-gays” who were damaged by their experiences in these groups.
  • The September 13 de-gaying conference falls during the Mayor’s Diversity Month, when the diverse local communities in Anchorage are encouraged “to host events that combat bias and promote a respect for diversity.” Our educational events will fit that description and can be connected to the Diversity Month program.
  • That weekend is also the beginning of Seven Straight Nights for Equal Rights ’08, coordinated by Atticus Circle and Soulforce, “a national event that provides straight Americans with opportunities to do justice, and motivates new allies to stand up and be counted for equality. Seven Straight Nights consists of nighttime vigils led by straight allies during the week of September 14-20. The vigils are led by families, individuals, or groups, and focus on their personal decision to speak out on behalf of LGBT equality.” This is another opportunity to challenge the ex-gay lies and connect our actions to a larger event.

What should we do? With all these options, and experienced leaders willing to help, should we ignore the “ex-gay” conference and allow their lies to go unchallenged? Vote in the poll (in the right-hand column), post a comment with your suggestions, and help organize our response as a community!
