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Rev. Johnathan’s New Journey: From Anchorage MCC to Edinburgh

Submitted by on Monday, 21 July 2008 – 8:43 PMNo Comment
Reverend Johnathan Jones, pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) in Anchorage for four years until his resignation in May, accepted a position as Interim Pastor at Edinburgh MCC and was introduced to Scotland’s LGBTA community during last Sunday’s service. 
Rev. Jones worked hard to build the all-inclusive MCC church in Anchorage. His efforts and his personal manner were appreciated by many in the community, and his resignation was a shock.
The church hosted a farewell potluck in Johnathan’s honor, and he left Alaska in early June. He was back last week to deal with visa issues and visited with friends and church members. When he returned to Scotland, he sent this message to MCC Anchorage, the LGBT community and our allies:
It was such a pleasure to see you all again so soon. Now I am back in Edinburgh and have started working at a fast pace. Yesterday (July 20) was my first Sunday back and we celebrated MCC Edinburgh‘s 13th birthday. We had over 40 people in attendance and had a wonderful service. 
I have recently been reading a Thomas Merton book and there was a fabulous quote in there that I would like to share with you:
“Only when we see ourselves in our true human conditions as “one body” will we begin to understand the positive importance not only of the successes but of the failures and accidents in our lives. My successes are not my own. The way to them was prepared by others. The fruit of my labors is not my own: for I am preparing the way for the achievements of another. Nor are my failures my own. They may spring from the failure of another, but they are also compensated for by another’s achievement.” (Thomas Merton, No Man Is An Island)
As I read this passage, I was reminded of my time in Anchorage. I thought about my successes with the church and my failures with the church, but this passage made me realize that neither the successes nor the failures were solely my own. WE worked hard as a Church to outreach to the GLBT community of Anchorage. WE worked hard to establish a strong Building Fund account. WE worked hard to build An Inclusive Church. And there is a liberation in knowing that where we failed, we failed together and we learned together.
As I now move on another journey with MCC Edinburgh, I will always remember with joy my time with my first church. I will always keep in mind the invaluable lessons I learned during my four years with all of you. In the same manner, there are many things that MCC Anchorage can learn as you grow into your new journey.
I will pray for you often, and I will be back in January to visit with you. If you would like to keep in contact with me, I am keeping the same email address.
God Bless You.
Rev. Johnathan
Interim Pastor
MCC Edinburgh