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Pride Outside: Cid Celebrates in San Diego

Submitted by on Thursday, 24 July 2008 – 5:45 PMNo Comment

Cid from Kodiak wrote in about the San Diego Pride parade and festival she attended last Saturday. The theme was “Live, Love, Be” (the national Pride theme for 2008.) She enjoyed watching the parade and had a good time at the women’s dance party (photo below).
“It was a great event, and huge! It was $15 to get in, but had 3 beer gardens, 2 with dancing, and a wine tasting area that was wonderful. All very well organized and put together. I volunteered: my job for 5 hours was to search people’s bags and purses!”
Cid is in San Diego this summer taking college classes, and she met up at the parade with several other students. Her overall review of San Diego Pride: “I would recommend this one for future travelers.”
Thanks for sharing the Pride with us back home in Alaska!

Big city LGBT Pride parades are exciting in big city ways: Crowds of gay people and our allies ride the public transit system to the parade, cheering as they approach the festival. Dozens of sexy Dykes on Bikes rev and honk at the front of the parade, roaring past sidewalks filled with spectators. Floats, bands and uniquely-costumed individuals march past rainbow-decorated lamp posts, courtesy of the city. Local businesses encourage their gay employees to march with the company banners. National icons provide high quality entertainment.
Perhaps best of all is the experience of thousands of openly gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people taking over a public space and becoming the dominant culture for a day.
Did you attend Pride Outside this summer, or are you planning to attend another big LGBTA happening? Tell us about it – the best moments, something cool and different about the event – and bring home the Gay Pride.