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Pride and Politics in Anchorage Parade and Festival

Submitted by on Thursday, 17 July 2008 – 4:58 PMNo Comment

Three political candidates participated in the Anchorage PrideFest 2008 Parade and Festival on the Park Strip, adding a strong political presence to this year’s LGBT Pride.
Supporters of Mark Begich, Diane Benson, and Ethan Berkowitz marched down 9th Avenue in the Celebrating Diversity Parade, along with the Anchorage Democrats, the ACLU of Alaska, and a variety of LGBT and gay-friendly social and community groups. 
Mark Begich walked with his supporters at the beginning of the parade, then left to attend the Statehood Celebration. He returned later with his son, and read the city proclamation establishing the third Saturday in June as Gay Pride Day. Begich, a democrat running for US Senate against Sen. Ted Stevens, has attended PrideFest every year since becoming mayor.

During the Festival, Diana Benson talked with PrideFest attendees, but did not march in the Parade or speak on stage. Benson, a progressive running for the US House of Representatives, supported Out North when it’s funding was challenged by the Assembly several years ago, and supports gay marriage. 
Ethan Berkowitz did not attend PrideFest, but sent a press release of his endorsement by the Human Rights Campaign, one of the nation’s largest LGBT rights organizations. Berkowitz, also running for the US House of Representatives, supported same-sex partner benefits as a state legislator, and includes sexual orientation and partner benefits in his civil rights statement.
In addition to the candidate contingents, two allies showed their support for LGBT equality by participating in PrideFest.
The Anchorage Democrats marched in the Parade behind a banner stating “Equal Civil Rights for ALL People.” The Anchorage Democrats also had a booth at the Festival, registering voters and providing material about the candidates, including Begich, Benson, Berkowitz, and Representative Les Gara, a member of the State House who is up for re-election.
Tiffany McClain, the LGBT Public Policy Coordinator for the ACLU of Alaska, led a group of marchers wearing yellow “Get Busy. Get Equal” t-shirts from the LGBT Project of the national ACLU and green foam statue of liberty crowns. The ACLU of Alaska was a sponsor of PrideFest again this year.
No republican candidates or signs were seen at the Parade or Festival, and no anti-gay protestors were present this year.