Harriet Drummond & Elvi Gray-Jackson talking with Pride parade Grand Marshal Doug Frank on Saturday, June 25, shortly before the accidental death of James L. Crump.
James L. Crump is the man who was accidentally killed in the first minutes of the Anchorage Pride parade last Saturday morning. I didn’t know him, but I’m writing quite a lot about him: his death has been shaking the Anchorage lesbian/gay/bisexual/trans/allied community ever since.
Last night my Assembly member Elvi Gray-Jackson and another of my favorite folks on the Assembly Harriet Drummond led the Anchorage Assembly in honoring James’ memory. It was a unanimous resolution — supposedly submitted by all 11 Assembly members as well as Mayor Dan Sullivan. But it was only Elvi & Harriet who were there at the Pride parade last Saturday — carrying a banner only a little behind where James was helping to carry his… until the accident that resulted in his death. I personally think that several of the Assembly members only signed on (and the Mayor) because James was a well-like municipal employee — a nurse with the Muni’s Department of Health & Human Services. But for Elvi & Harriet — it was heartfelt.
Harriet read the resolution in the Assembly last night. By the end, she had tears in her voice. Elvi was back behind the public testimony podium with members of James’ family — his parents, a brother, and a sister. His family members were joined by numerous friends, present and former coworkers, and members of the LGBTQA community. I was up all night putting together a video of the event for my post on Bent Alaska about the resolution. The post also has the resolution’s full text.
A Service of Remembrance for James will be held tonight at 7 PM at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church at Lake Otis and Tudor. People are encouraged to bring something for a light potluck after the service.
- At Anchorage Assembly chambers for resolution by Elvi Gray-Jackson to honor & remember James L. Crump who died Saturday @ Pride parade. #fb #
- @melengland haven’t been on Twitter and just saw your tweet. thank you! in reply to melengland #
- RT @melengland: Tragedy @ Alaska Pride – Our prayers and love from NY @yksin http://t.co/4PY91N2 #ny4m #lgbt #nn11lgbt #fb #
- Just spoke w/ Elvi. She was originally going to introduce resolution in a couple of weeks but learned James’ family in town. #fb #
- Just got copy of AR No 2011-183 “A resolution of the Anchorage Assembly remembering recognizing and honoring the life of James L. Crump” #fb #
- Assembly meeting has not yet begun. People entering, most of Assembly here and seated. Some other business before resolution. #fb #
- I intend to video reading and discussion of resolution and will include in Bent Alaska post later tonight. #fb #
- Resolution honors James’ work as nurse for MOA Dept of Health & Human Svcs & as loved member of Anchorage LGBT community. #fb #
- Assembly just began. All assembly members here except Dick Traini. #fb #
- I think Ossiander just said resolution wd be heard at 530…? there are family members here. #fb #
- Traini now here. #fb #
- Harriet Drummond just said she had been at parade which was traumatic for so many & she is very glad resolution is happening. #fb #
- Now kicking out of twitter to be ready to video when resolution read. #fb #