My more narrative account of this day — such as it is — can be found on Bent Alaska under the title “Bringing Netroots home to Alaska.”
I slept in a bit. The day began with a look out my hotel window at the Hilton — to see attendees of the Right Online conference, a sort of pale rightwing imitation of Netroots Nation — arriving for their day’s sessions.
10:30-11:45 AM. Queer Media and the Alternative Revolution
- Good morning from Netroots Nation. Starting my day at 1030 session on Queer Media & the Alternative Revolution. #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- Alternative queer media for LGBT who don’t fit the one-size-fits-all version of LGBT #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- LGBT youth, people of color, “dorks” who love obscure SF references… #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- “if you don’t like porn & have a dissertation & there’s nothing in the middle” #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @wondermann5: It is good to know Gay Geeks are out there! #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @SethEKaye: “The best way to convey these experiences, is to have someone that lives them explain it for themselves.” #NN11LGBT #nn11 #
- RT @YCarrillo4: race, class & gender affect our queerness. #nn11lgbt #nn11 #
- RT @ZackFord: Lots of broad generalizations being made at the #nn11lgbt alternative queer media panel — some valid, some not. #nn11#
- RT @_floatingworld: Queer Alternative Media | Stink is referencing decades of gay artists writing straight songs. #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @JoeMyGod: I reject tokenism merely as a tool to inject a “non-white male” aspect into LGBT media. #NN11LGBT #nn11 #
- Thinking what Queer Alternative media wd look like for a Inupiat Eskimo kid from Barrow, AK (which just had 1st pride event) #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @soiledhands: I came out in SF in 1977, age 20. It’s interesting how tension betw/ normals and noncorms is constant. #nn11lgbt // agree #
- RT @soiledhands: I appreciate Heidi’s emphasis on accessible language and making the message pleasurable #nn11lgbt #nn11 #
- Not just youth need alternatives. I’m a 52 it old dyke SF/F geek/dork writer loner in a low pop very red state … #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- And there’s rural, there’s isolated, there’s disabled, there’s… #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @ZackFord: I’m having trouble understanding why alt to hegemonic mainstream queer media is substanceless culture fluff pieces. #nn11lgbt#
- RT @Clarknt67: Dichotomy? Members of queer commty that..define selves as apart from mainstream & object to marginalization? #LGBT #nn11lgbt #
- RT @YCarrillo4: “The idea of post-gay is built on the assumption that we are beyond the closet.” #nn11lgbt #nn11 #
- RT @wondermann5: Is the idea of “Post Gay” an example of privilege? #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- Recognition for younger queers of elders that paved the way, but struggle not over. #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @ZackFord: My questions about “post-gay” Is anybody actually saying it and does it actually mean anything? #nn11lgbt / my ? too #nn11#
- “Post gay” is irrelevant term in world where a band pulls out of a neighborhood block party b/c there’ll be “fag shit” there #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- I.e., “post gay” (as well as post racial) is theoretical bullshit. #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @allisonpalmer: Wishing we cd hear more about politics/activism – fans of alternative music/culture not always activists #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @ZackFord: @cynisright @yksin Like how America is “post-racial” b/c Obama got elected? Last time I checked that was white privilege BS. #
- RT @ZackFord: I wonder if “alt” is not evolution of gay culture so much as rebellion against dense queer population in cities. #nn11lgbt#
- @ZackFord yes, this “alt queer media” really foreign to me coming from low density state. Tho maybe diff for youth.#nn11 #nn11lgbtin reply to ZackFord#
- RT @SethEKaye: I think dichotomy of alt/mainstream and culture/politics is quite unqueer. Creating separate worlds ain’t so good. #NN11LGBT#
- RT @jillmarcellus: .KCDanger: “Everything is a queer woman’s issue if you’re a queer woman” #NN11 #NN11LGBT #
- I appreciate the panelists are reaching for something, but a lot of fuzzy thinking here. #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @cynisright: Not all gay media is abt building community – it’s abt building a certain TYPE of community (some still exclusive) #nn11lgbt#
- My @bentalaska perspective: 1 LGBT blog in whole state: we just need to get as wide spectrum as voices as will even write. #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- We are for most part only queer media in state. We can’t afford distinctions of “mainstream” v “alternative.” #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- This is OUR prob to solve, not this panel’s. But the overall urban sense of this discussion does leave out much experience. #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @cynisright: @yksin – Shouldn’t try to segregate – that is the issue with the media and lgbt media is emulating it! #nn11lgbt #nn11 #
- @cynisright Agreed. Its actually some benefit for my state we can’t afford to in first place. #nn11 #nn11lgbt in reply to cynisright#
- @cynisright OTOH unique characteristics of AK urban/rural divide lead to builtin segregations (esp white v AK Native) #nn11 #nn11lgbt in reply to cynisright#
- RT @Clarknt67: 18 yrs in Mass Media I often see ppl presume bigotry or hate in exclusion; ignorance or simple human error suffice #nn11lgbt#
- @cynisright Partly an infrastructure issue: no roads in Bush Alaska. But also cultural diffs & outright racism. #nn11 #nn11lgbt in reply to cynisright#
- @cynisright I think people have hard time dealing w difference. We get taught to be “like” other people not diff. And suspicious of diff in reply to cynisright#
- @cynisright it’s a really good question. A foundational question. in reply to cynisright#
1:30-2:45 PM. The Plan to Advance Marriage Equality, Inside and Outside of the 112th Congress
I was distracted and too tired to pay very close attention to this session, I’m afraid. But it was livestreamed, so I’m hoping to catch up with it in archived footage (and a check back through the timeline of other people’s tweets. Some of my retweets here referred back to the earlier session on queer alternative media.
- Arriving late to marriage equality panel after lunch w/ longtime online friend, first F2F meeting. (Hi Laurel!!) #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @szumwalt: My takeaway from @JoeSudbay marriage panel: the poster ppl of gay rights movement should be our straight allies. #nn11lgbt#
- RT @RyanNewYork: RT @IEquality: Nadler: “No one under 35 understands the controversy” on changing social norms. #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @Clarknt67: @Pam_Spaulding appeals to Blue State #LGBTs to not forsake our brothers & sisters elsewhere. #nn11lgbt #nn11 / THX Pam! #
- Re queer alt media panel @cynisright said @rodmccullom They didn’t know how to answer how to integrate lgbt media more when asked. #nn11lgbt#
- RT @interstateq: #NN11LGBT Broad criticism will do nothing to solve gaps in #LGBT #media #diversity #nn11#
- “You cant really evolve if you don’t discuss how you’re evolving & why you’re evolving.” – @Pam_Spaulding on Obama’s #SSM stance #nn11lgbt#
- RT @Clarknt67: Great mixer of panelists on #nn11 marriage; DC & NC blogger, voter organizer, legal expert, Congressman #nn11lgbt #LGBT #
- I’m not tracking well – very tired. But marriage equality/DOMA session being livestreamed at #nn11 website #nn11lgbt#
Part of my distraction at the marriage equality session was discovering comments awaiting moderation at Bent Alaska.
- RT: @bentalaska: On our blog > A Big Wild Lesbian at Netroots Nation (by @yksin) #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- Lost track of marriage equality/DOMA panel at #nn11 due to personal attack at my last @bentalaska post at #nn11lgbt#
- Please feel to weigh in (with civility, please) of your own opinion of at #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
I discovered that Sarah Posner of one of my important news sources, Religion Dispatches, was at the conference, and decided I wanted to meet her.
- RT: @sarahposner: “White people have to talk to white people about white privilege.” – @joseiswriting #nn11#
- @sarahposner Just saw you’re at #nn11 – I’m a big fan of your work writing for Alaska LGBTQ blog @bentalaska – greetings #
3:oo-4:15 PM. How to Make Blogging Sustainable
- Now at “How to make blogging sustainable” session at #nn11 but so tired I’m having a hard time tracking. #
- @hellorobster Wow, thank you. Where did we meet? … I think the attacker may be a local Anchorage homophobe who also attacked a week ago. in reply to hellorobster#
4:15-5:00 PM. Bourbon and Bacon Tasting Happy Hour
- @SierraClubMN darn, sorry I missed picking up my underwear! Good luck w/ the campaign. in reply to SierraClubMN#
- @sarahposner wd very much like to talk! I’m here in a very orange hoodie. in reply to sarahposner#
- @SierraClubMN thank you I’ll do that! in reply to SierraClubMN#
- @hellorobster thank you, this means a lot. in reply to hellorobster#
- @sarahposner I’m looking in reply to sarahposner#
- Almost to end of #nn11 – just closing keynote to go. Then I’m going to my hotel to sleep. #fb#
- And – no more wine or beer for me at this conference. Best antidote to my exhaustion & stress now: rest. #nn11 #fb m #
5:00-6:30 PM. Closing Keynote — Freedom from Fear: First Person Voices from the Movement
- @alaskacommons is there a John Aronno in the house? (at #nn11 closing keynote) #
- RT @theuptake: MSNBC host Cenk Uygur giving closing keynote, Freedom from Fear. #NN11#
- RT @deciminyan: “Our founding fathers were liberals” Cenk Uygur at #NN11#
- RT @deciminyan: Corporations are not human beings, they are soulless machines. – Cenk Uygur at #NN11#
- RT @alaskacommons: @yksin Yeppers! Whereabouts? I’m in my signature orange near ebtrance #
- RT @yksin: RT @alaskacommons: @yksin Yeppers! Whereabouts? I’m in my signature orange near ebtrance — ah, that shd say entrance #
- Providence, Rhode Island will be site of Netroots Nation in 2012. Okay – I now officially want to go, gods help me. #NN11 #fb #
- RT @kgosztola: Hotel workers at Westin in Providence led #NN11 to boycott, hold conference in Minneapolis -Sen. Whitehouse #
- RT @alaskacommons: Netroots 2012 will be in Rhode Island. Guess I break out the penny jar tomorrow! #NN11 #NN12 #
- RT @alaskacommons: @yksin We’re down in the center front. // looking #
- #nn11 is biggest Netroots conf ever. Pay it forward to make next year’s even bigger/better. #
- As a scholarship attendee (via LGBT Netroots Connect) thank you Netroots for helping me & others attend #nn11 (& #nn11lgbt#
- RT @pandagon: #nn11 should wait until #ro11 announces a location for their 2012 conference & then announce that we’re actually in Portland. #
- RT @wiremedia: Dear Netroots Nation, this is my first time attending. It’s fantastic and we’ll be back! Thanks! #nn11#
- RT @kgosztola: Outernational band at #nn11 rocks with music that’s like CSNY & Rage Against the Machine deftly blended #
- RT @deciminyan: Jennifer Fernandez Ancona is introducing the Freedom from Fear Award. She worked on the Dean campaign. #NN11#
- too tired to do much but take pics & retweet. Thx #NN11 peeps for writing great tweets for me to pass on. #
- RT @Ada_Vodkar: RT @kgosztola: Time for deep patriots to stand up to cheap patriots @VanJones68 #nn11#
- RT @drdigipol: This is the biggest Netroots conference ever. 2500+. Can our copycats at #ro11 even come close? Hardly. #nn11#
- RT @fiorentina5: #Cenk at #nn11 called out bigot @RepPeteKing#
- RT @zackfarley: Before heading out the door, thank the staffers who made #nn11 happen. A job well done. #
- RT @ZackFord: At ZFb: #NN11 Dispatch: Building Trust, Building Coalitions – #NN11LGBT #LGBT #
- RT @IEquality: First #FFFAward winner Immigrant Youth Justice League. #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @JoshRosenau: Jill Sobule sings original song: “When they say we want our America back, what the fuck does it mean?” Awesomesauce. #nn11#
- RT @shannynmoore: We have a new theme song, #nn11#
- hanging out w/ several other Alaskans at #nn11 closing keynote #
- Jeanne Devon of @Mudflats @shannynmoore John Aronno of @alaskacommons Dave Turnbull & me of @bentalaska — AK in Netroots Nation #nn11#
- RT @exileinflyville: “We’re not afraid of some fictional Sharia law that they wanna invent.” @KeithEllison #nn11#
- RT @YCarrillo4: “When we can walk w/the president then lets but, when we can’t, let’s get ahead of him.” – @keithellison #nn11#
- RT @_LaTania: Last song dedicated to #FFFA & #undocumented youth in deportation proceedings #nn11 Take Action here
- Heading for the Hilton for sleep. I plan to avoid rightwingers. #nn11#
- Just touched base w/ home to remind the boy (as I still call him) that I’ll be home tom. night. Feels good to know that’s what I go home to. #
- RT @Clarknt67: What he said. RT @melengland: thx @Netroots_Nation & #nn11lgbt for an AMAZING weekend! Big special thx to @MichaelRogersDC!! #
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