These are my tweets for the day; a less fractured narrative account of the day can be found in my post for Bent Alaska called “The day at LGBT Netroots Connect.” This was the LGBT preconference for Netroots Nation.
For the less Twitter-savvy, RT stands for retweet: this means that I was simply retweeting or passing along something that someone else originated. Sometimes I’ll add a comment, usually after a / or two. // #nn11lgbt is the Twitter hashtag we used for LGBT Netroots Connect, #nn11 for the Netroots Nation 11 conference itself. #fb is the hashtag I use when I also want my tweet to show up as my Facebook status.
- At LGBT Netroots Connect preconference at Hilton Minneapolis. We’re just getting started. #nn11lgbt #nn11 #fb #
- “This pen doesn’t have a spellcheck so I don’t want to hear spelling complaints on Twitter.” #nn11lgbt #fb #
- Taking further LGBT Netroots Connect preconference tweets off Facebook. If interested follow me or follow hashtag #nn11lgbt #fb #
- Matt from NC: DNC meeting next year in city that still has no LGBT employment protection. Nor at NC state level #nn11lgbt #nn11 #
- Naming antigay/antitrans hate groups for what they are: hate groups #nn11lgbt #
- Speaker just advocated more use of inflammatory tactics/language. I don’t agree. #NN11LGBT #
- BTW — for anyone who wonders who I am, I’m blogger/coadmin of Bent Alaska, Alaska’s statewide LGBTQ blog. #NN11LGBT #
- RT @wondermann5: I have to remember to write off the South when it comes LGBT issues. #nn11lgbt / AK is now most northern “southern” state. #
- RT @RyanNewYork: Calling people “bigots” isn’t gonna win anyone support for anything. #NN11LGBT #NN11 / absolutely right. #
- Damn autocomplete. Last tweet shd read: Jos from Feministing: health acces for transfolk in ICE detention & prisons. #NN11LGBT #
- @wondermann5 I understand. I have hard time w south too – AK has gotten much redder bc of southerners coming there in military. #nn11lgbt in reply to wondermann5 #
- RT @Clarknt67: @interstateq I think “bigotry” concept– has been helpful for helping middle see how deranged the far right is. #nn11lgbt #
- @Clarknt67 agree – use of term/concept “bigotry” needs to be used carefully, intelligently, not as epithet for namecalling. #nn11lgbt #
- Someone just spoke up about discussion of religion re: LGBT. #NN11LGBT #
- It’s official: am now known here as “Alaska.” 😉 #NN11LGBT #fb #
- Just spoke up abt need not to cede religious ground to right wingers, to bring LGBT-friendly & inclusive faith community in. #NN11LGBT #
- LGB relationship w/ trans people — LGBs not getting to know Trans people. #NN11LGBT #
- RT @zackford: Unprecedented: #LGBT event ahead of schedule. #NN11LGBT / we rock! #
- @jillmarcellus MT? Let’s talk! I’m wearing orange! #nn11lgbt in reply to jillmarcellus #
- @Scallywag195 unfortunately no direct flights PDX-MSP either. I’m still pretty wiped, propped up on caffeine. in reply to Scallywag195 #
- Now we’re going to “problem solve the movement.” In 45 minutes! #NN11LGBT #
- We’ve been at lunch at #nn11lgbt but we should be reconvening here shortly. #
- Before lunch we had a session on “problem-solving the movement” – brainstorming on 5 issues of concern… – see next 5 tweets! — #nn11lgbt #
- 1. Identify 5 key gaps in movement for LGBT equality. #nn11lgbt #
- 2. How can we engage more effectively across race/ethnicity? #nn11lgbt #
- 3. How can we engage more effectively across generations? #nn11lgbt #
- 4. How can we engage more effectively across faith/non-faith lines? #nn11lgbt (this is a big concern of mine personally) #
- 5. How can we ensure the LGBT blogosphere is strong & well-funded? #nn11lgbt (hey, someone, send me some $$$ this is all volunteer for me!) #
- In ~5 mins. we’ll start up again: utilizing blogging/social media to effect change, & building coalitions. #nn11lgbt #
- We will later talk about “Immigration reform through a queer lens” #nn11lgbt #
- And later yet again, “Is fighting for marriage equality strategic?” #nn11lgbt #
- Meanwhile, of AK concern, I told a few folks at lunchtime about Fairview Block Party… #nn11lgbt #
- .. about how “little” things like that are important signs both of ongoing homophobia, but also of how things are changing. #nn11lgbt #
- Now going back into session. #nn11lgbt #
- Moving back to my iPod which makes for slower tweeting, but doesn’t lose charge as fast as my laptop does. #nn11lgbt #
- (feeling dangerously fried. No partying for me tonight: it’ll be time for downtime) #fb #
- Breaking into 2 sessions. I’m w/ the one abt using blogging/social media to effect change #nn11lgbt #
- Indiv bloggers not sustained, but needed to retain independent voices. #NN11lgbt #
- Common fund by orgs to support blogs w/out dictating their message? #NN11lgbt #
- Quid pro quo issues between orgs & bloggers is an issue for Bent Alaska, but at diff level then most talking abt here. #nn11lgbt #
- Bent Alaska doesn’t deal much w/ HRC or GLAAD etc. But we do w/ AK orgs like ATE, ACLU of AK, Identity, etc. #nn11lgbt #
- @Pam_Spaulding talked abt need even more for more time than $ given blogs usually not enough for us to quit day jobs. #NN11LGBT #
- Most of Bent Alaska’s expenses come out of our own time, our own pockets. & I work a fulltime job, need downtime, etc #NN11LGBT #
- How do LGBT bloggers move messaging into wider main stream media? #NN11LGBT #
- This convo is abt building infrastructure for the movement. Yes. #nn11lgbt #
- Speaking personally, “sustainable” blogging is mainly abt keeping people like me from burning out. So it’s also abt more people. #nn11lgbt #
- “Immigration reform through a queer lens” panel abt to begin. #nn11lgbt #
- This session and the later one on marriage equality will be posted online later. I’ll get them up on Bent Alaska when available. #nn11lgbt #
- RT @Clarknt67: “Raise your hand if you’re an immigrant. Or a descendent of immigrants.” LOL. Be honest. #nn11lgbt // [raising hand] #
- Immigration another area where personhood/humanity trumped by prejudice on arbitrary grounds placed into law. #NN11LGBT #
- @MichaelRogersDC just a reminder re: table sighn up sheets during #nn11 #nn11lgbt #
- RT @COLAGENATIONAL: #NN11 #NN11lgbt “18 family members of mine were deported :(” // strong example how asylum system is broken/inhumane. #
- [Typo correction] How to help: every time you see immigrant-hate in media: comment to counter it. #NN11LGBT #
- Last session today: Is fighting for marriage equality strategic? How can it get us closer to full federal equality? #NN11LGBT #
- Freedom to marry v “mandate” or “obligation” to marry. #NN11LGBT #
- In Maine, marriage equality movement led to great increase in LGBT org funding #NN11LGBT #
- Though in AK in 1998, $ aimed toward LGBT orgs greatly dwarfed by Outside $ aimed AGAINST marriage equality. & we lost. #NN11LGBT #
- The prob w/ marriage: who sets the agenda? “There are throwaway states in this movement.” Yeah, & Alaska is one of ’em. #nn11lgbt #
- What I said abt marriage equality & AK is my view, I don’t pretend to speak for all LGBT Alaskans…. #NN11LGBT #
- … But yeah. AK lost marriage equality early (1998). We’ve been forgotten except by ourselves. #NN11LGBT #
- Being told that “throwaway states” are responsible to make other states care abt them. #NN11LGBT #
- “anchorage has a chance to pass a local ENDA now.” no, ours defeated 2 yrs ago. ACLU trying to pass… #NN11LGBT #
- …but does AK ACLU have local politics favoring it? I personally don’t think so. And I know the players. #NN11LGBT #
- I hear Freedom to Marry on winning it for ALL states. But the question is abt strategic & for my state now, other ?s are at fore #NN11LGBT #
- Done for day except reception & blogwriting. I made an opinionated stink abt a coupla things. Hope AK will still talk to me. #nn11lgbt #fb #
- RT @scoutout: LGBT pre-conf ends with a standing ovation for the organizer @MichaelRogersDC. Great job Mike! #NN11LGBT // WOOT!!! #
- @PhilAttey I’m interested in this. I have an unfinished long piece I need to finish abt Catholic hierarchy v laity on this. in reply to PhilAttey #
- RT @Clarknt67: “Throwaway staters”? I am here help. You are not abandoned, forgotten or left behind. How can I help? #nn11lgbt let’s talk! #
- RT @f_matos007: I didn’t like someone calling the underground railroad as “incovenient”. #NN11LGBT / “convenience” be damned! #
- RT @vanessacoe: i want sustainable long-term organizing focused around cultural and systemic change. marriage is one tool. #NN11LGBT / agree #
- RT @redrummy: @yksin Ah, the summer of hate. Crowds of red shirts still give me nightmares. / oh yeah. Sweet reminiscence. #nn11lgbt #
- RT @EqualityAmerica: New York Assembly Approves Marriage Equality in Vote of 80-63. #LGBT #NY // Go NY!!! #
- Photos from today’s LGBT Netroots Connect preconference to Netroots Nation 11. #nn11lgbt #nn11 #
- RT: @bentalaska: Bent Alaska contributor reports on LGBT Netroots Connect preconf in Minneapolis #nn11lgbt #nn11 #
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