Never knew a time when I was not
this is different
I am tonight surprised to find I care
in a way I didn’t think I did about it
they wrote in my high school yearbook
they said weird, you are weird
(and many added, stay that way)
I don’t recall a time
this was said unpleasantly
however small, there was always care there
now I care in a way I never thought I would
that my niece in a childhood game
said You’re weird and got upset
when I said Thank you
I treated it as a compliment, and always had
she said But you’re weird! as if
to say a repetition of it would
impel me to remember
it was not to be treated as a compliment,
an identity, a friend
there was always something in me
that knew the value of my uniqueness
I care in a different way now
than I ever thought I would
because my weird makes me unique
there’s something different that’s the same
as unique and that’s
I have often thought myself a loner — this is how I’m free
to be free — yet I am an outsider
and each time someone has told me
as caringly as you told me tonight
You’re weird
there is something
I never saw before
I see now with my
that each time I’ve been told
even by friends who love me
as you do
it leaves a little hurt each time
because the meaning of
is unique, individual, different, free
and sometimes in my freedom
I am so lonely, and want so bad
to belong
[17 Oct 1983]
About this poem
From my bad old days.
Days are better now (overall). But I’m still weird.
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