The Daily Tweets 2011-02-28: No more Starbucks

No more Starbucks

One of the things I did when I overhauled my dietary habits five years ago was to stop drinking lattés.  Here & there, sure, but for the most part when I drink coffee nowadays, it’s an Americano (or, when I was in Australia, a long black) or just plain old drip coffee, black, no sugar.  Thus I don’t have any of the milk or syrups to disguise the coffee itself.

At UAA, all we have is Starbucks or machines.  Now, I don’t know if it’s just the way Starbucks roasts its coffee, or if there’s something off about the particular way they prepare the coffee in the Starbucks downstairs in SSB — but it’s pretty bitter & burnt-tasting.  And I finally realized that I haven’t actually enjoyed the coffee I drink at work for quite some time.

So last Friday while hanging out at the downtown Kaladi’s brother before going to “La Boheme” with Mark & Linda & Marcia (it was a great show, by the way!), I got myself a new Kaladi’s coffee mug to go with the new Swiss permanent coffee filter I’d just bought at Habitat in University Mall.  And then as part of my morning prep-for-work, I ground up some of that fine Raven’s Brew Ebony Pearls — that’s what they call their French roast — and put it in a baggy.

I enjoyed my coffee at work today.  And henceforth, I always will.

The tweets:

  • I declare today Melz Freedom from Starbucks Day. No more bad coffee! Today: French Roast from Raven’s Brew #fb #
  • @ShardAngel I didn’t watch the Oscars. But I correctly predicted Best Picture winner though I haven’t seen any of the nominated movies. #fb in reply to ShardAngel #
  • Thanks to deciding to no longer buy Starbucks, I’m actually enjoying my coffee at work for the first time in a coupla years. #fb #
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